“I didn’t want any more. The last person to leave was my sister. I didn’t want anyone to replace this kid. I didn’t want him to replace that last kid who left.”
Irini was only 14 when her sister, Zoitsa, died in front of her eyes. It was the first traumatic loss and a death that scarred her and still haunts her.
In fact, in the interview he gave to Tatiana Stefanidou, he also showed the tattoo he has made in her memory.
Her sister mysteriously “gone” like all the babies in the much-hyped case. Irene also in this death remembers the strange sound the baby made before it ended.
The incredible complaint by a relative that Irini put a pillow on her younger sister’s face is unfortunately confirmed by her own mother speaking to Live News.
“Yes, in Gogoula. But when I seriously said that I was afraid then don’t do anything to her, her dad Murtzoukos said: “no, baby, the child is playing, don’t do anything to her.” He did it at times when our backs were turned and we did not have eye contact with the child. Or that he was covering her mouth, her hand and well that she was playing. I was telling her that she might suffocate and die,” he said.
It is chilling that since 2014, when her youngest daughter, Zoe, died suddenly, her mother had suspected Irini. But then the rest of the relatives reassured her that it is not possible for one little brother to harm the other.
“Other relatives had told me about it at the time, only dad doesn’t admit it. We had said it then and we had already argued with her about it, that maybe you really did tease the child, but these are things that Irini does not want to accept,” said the mother.
A fleeting thought at the time turned into an outright accusation today. Her suspicions were sparked when she noticed from 2021 onwards that every year a child was missing.
“Katerina’s child was before hers. It was mine first, then Katerina’s and then hers. And then I got suspicious. (For what reason has he done it?) One is excessive jealousy,” said Irene’s mother.
He was pathologically jealous of Panagiotakis’ mother, a mutual friend of theirs will report. “They had incredible tensions because Irini was very jealous of Popi. They were fighting,” he said.
Coroner Grigoris Leon compared the common findings in dead babies such as black lips, difficulty breathing and the strange sounds they made before they died.
“That snoring can be after 90 seconds, it can also occur after the baby is due. In any case, death occurs in 90 seconds,” explained coroner Dimitris Galenderis.
Common findings are also found in the histopathology of the babies, with the authorities now trying to combine testimonies, medical files and documents.
Amaliada: Fire against the 24-year-old by relatives, friends and parents for the dead babies
Relatives, friends and even the parents of Irini Mourtzoukou directly blame her for the deaths of the children in the highly acclaimed case.
“Her father also had us. He had told 10 of us sitting around drinking wine “don’t leave Irene with small children”. The man would have known something to say it, I don’t know why he said it. She had already lost her little brother,” said a relative of Irini.
Since last October, in the exclusive interview she had given to Live News, Irini’s mother had revealed that she suspects her daughter of the deaths of her two children. Her statement at the time shocked everyone, as no one blamed Irene at the time, who had just lost her second child.
The shocking thing is that this complaint of the children’s grandmother went unanswered. The authorities were not mobilized until September this year, when in the meantime another child, little Panagiotakis, unexpectedly passed away.
“I said it last year too, when the time comes and the proofs come out and we find out what the kids “ran off” with, we will talk. From the beginning I have had my fears and they have come to be confirmed,” said Irene’s mother.
Amaliada: “I don’t rule out that my daughter did it”
And her father, on the other hand, does not rule out the possibility that her daughter may have harmed the children. He even recalls that in the child who was saved at the last moment in 2016, there was only Irini in the room again.
He makes some chilling speculations about the deaths of the babies.
“It’s possible that he did… Do you know where my mind went? Maybe he was sulking and blowing the smoke on the kids. They say 3 children have left with the exact same symptoms. What can I tell you now? Is there jealousy,” he said.
It is certainly questionable why while they suspected all this about their daughter why they never went to the Police or even try to prevent similar incidents in the future.
The first to put her in the frame of suspects
Katerina, the former roommate of Irini, was one of the first to put her in the list of suspects as soon as the case of little Panagiotakis was made public.
The eerie similarities with the death of her own child in 2021 filled her with suspicion as she first revealed on MEGA and the TV show “Live News”.
“I’m coming to ask how it’s done?” Are all 4 a coincidence? Has he done anything? I come to ask like a mother only one “why”, said Katerina.
Two weeks later after the storm of developments, Katerina now directly blames Irene for her daughter’s death.
The parents of little Panagiotakis
The exact same accusations are leveled at Irini by the father of the little one, Panagiotakis, who from the first moment reported to the authorities that he considers the 24-year-old suspect for the death of his son.
But it was not only the father who suspected her. And Panagiotakis’ mother herself, Popi, in her first testimony left suspicions about Irini.
“Look for the 24-year-old” she told the police and a friend who spent the previous night at the family’s house.
“When I gave a statement to the police, I turned around and told the officer in particular who took my statement, ‘look it up, the kid didn’t leave like that.’ Because it is not only her two children that she has lost. The mother of the child (Popi) has said it herself and told the police. He told the police to look for it because he suspects Irene,” said Popi’s friend.
Below is the story of Panagiotakis’ mother, with the police officers at the hospital during her first statement:
Police officers: Do you suspect Irini Murtzoukou?
Pope: Yes, I suspect her.
Police officers: Would you like a home survey?
Pope: Yes, I wish to be investigated.
While the verse between Popi at the police station with police officers that afternoon was as follows:
Police officers: Do you suspect Irini Murtzoukou?
Pope: I suspect everyone who has entered my house. I want everything investigated, because my child had no health problems.
Policemen: What happened?
Pope: I was in the bathroom. I was gone for 2′ and was in the next room. I turned around and found my child not breathing.
Policemen: Did Irini call you or did you go out alone?
Pope: While I was leaving the room and Irini saw me she says “come quickly! The child can’t breathe!” Then Irene put him on the couch and gave him artificial respiration. We called Spyros and my mother on the phone, because my child was not well. Irini reassured me that it will be fine!
Katerina Mavroidis, lawyer of Panagiotakis’ father stated the following:
“Father had said from the first moment, about Irini. His suspicions grew after the deaths became public. Particular of the death of Katerina’s baby. While the witnesses should have been called of their own accord, as we know happened, but they left the county. They must help the truth come out. The father has no doubts about the mother.”
Everyone suspected, everyone speculated and now they are directly accusing the 24-year-old.
The only thing that is certain is that 5 babies suddenly “gone” from life with the authorities catching the thread of the popular case from the death of the last child of little Panagiotakis.
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#motivation #charge #Irene #suffocation
Google Tag Manager
It looks like you’re working on integrating several advertising and tracking scripts into a web page. The code is a JavaScript snippet that manages these integrations under certain conditions. Below is a brief overview of the sections of the code you provided, along with suggestions for adding or completing the missing parts.
### Overview of Key Components
1. **AdSense Management**:
– The code checks if AdSense slots are present and removes them if certain conditions are met. Placeholder code for loading scripts asynchronously is present but incomplete.
2. **Phaistos Adman Integration**:
- Code intended to push an advertising unit to the AdmanQueue is partially written but requires completion.
3. **OneSignal Integration**:
– OneSignal is initialized with a specified app ID, which allows push notifications functionality.
4. **Disqus Comments Integration**:
- Disqus is set up with a page URL placeholder and an identifier. The script loading code is delayed with a timeout.
5. **CleverCore**:
- This section is commented out but shows how to load an external script for CleverCore.
6. **Taboola/Project Agora**:
– There are placeholders for loading Taboola or Project Agora scripts with `asyncLoadScript`.
7. **Glomex** and **Dalecta**:
– They also contain placeholders and conditions for script loading, reliant on certain elements being present on the page.
### Suggestions for Completion
1. **Fleshing Out `asyncLoadScript`**:
– Define the `asyncLoadScript` function if it’s not already defined. This function should handle the insertion of external scripts into the document asynchronously.
function asyncLoadScript(src) {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = src;
script.async = true;
2. **Finishing Incomplete Lines**:
– Go through all the `asyncLoadScript` calls that are currently incomplete (denoted by `asyncLoadScript(‘`) and fill in the specific source URLs for the respective advertising or analytics scripts.
3. **Disqus Configuration**:
– Complete the Disqus configuration block by setting the `this.page.url`. It might look something like this:
var disqus_config = function() {
this.page.url = window.location.href; // Replace with your actual URL
this.page.identifier = ‘1561125’; // Replace with your actual identifier
4. **Adding Error Handling**:
– Consider adding error handling or success callbacks to the `asyncLoadScript` function to monitor the loading status of the scripts.
5. **Cleanup and Organization**:
– Organize the code logically for readability. Group similar functionalities together (e.g., all advertising integrations) and ensure consistent formatting.
### Example of a Completed Section
Here is how a completed part of the script could look:
// Example of asyncLoadScript completion for Google AdSense
if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {
### Closing Statement
ensure that all script sources are correctly specified, that each integration is properly configured, and that the functions you call (like `asyncLoadScript`) are fully implemented in your codebase. This will enable smooth functionality for ads and tracking features designed for your website.