The Most Viral: The Truth Behind the Conflictive Relationship of Tekashi 6ix9ine and Yailin

2023-12-17 03:21:08

Tekashi 6ix9ine and Yailin The Most Viral They recently participated in a fight that escalated to beatings and threats and that ended with the Dominican woman behind bars for allegedly attacking the rapper with a knife.

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The singer paid $9,000 bail for the Florida authorities to release his partner; however, two witnesses have revealed that it is not the first time that the artists fight and they even pointed out that they maintain an extremely conflictive relationship where violence has prevailed.

Smairy Cabadaevent organizer that was in charge of carrying out the baptism of Yailin’s daughter, Cattleyarevealed in an interview for the Dominican show Esto No Es Radio, details regarding the event for the minor that ended up being ruined following Tekashi ordered sudden changes to the party.

“I did the event for the girl, It was supposed to be Cattleya’s baptism and they didn’t baptize her“, revealed Cabada, who also assured that the rapper ordered the decorations and even the location to be changed, causing an increase in the organization’s costs, even though Yailin had already approved the details of the party. “He wanted to be the protagonist as always. , I wanted to start it from scratch.”

Yailin La Más Viral reappears with a battered face following her disappearance from Instagram


Cattleya’s baptism was a setup

The couple recorded a video where they were supposedly at the baptism celebration of Cattleya; However, according to Cabada, Everything was a setup and as soon as they turned off the cameras the discussions began and even the attacks on Tekashi’s security, taking away the attendees’ cell phones to avoid videos that incriminated him.

When the video ended and everyone had gone down and they started arguing (…) There are screams from both parties, then there he crashed her on top of the lighting track that we had and she snatched the cell phone from one of her security to record it,” said the woman.

“His security wanted to take people’s cell phones to see if someone had recorded something, because They cover everything he does so that nothing comes out“, he stated.

Yailin would have called the police to arrest Tekashi following attacking her, but according to the witness, the officers released the rapper following bribing them.

“The police went, they looked for him, they took him to prison and what did they do? On the way they paid the police and released him“he assured.

Smairy Cabada assures that The couple owes him 60 thousand dollars for organizing the baptisma figure that increased to the original budget following last-minute changes ordered by Tekashi, for which he took legal action to receive his money.

“He owes me, I have filed a lawsuit once morest him because one thing led to another, the event with all the setup and the changes he made was 60 thousand dollars. I am already in a process and I have everything that supports what what I’m saying,” said Cabada, who also said that Cattleya was always away from violence when she was taken to a van in the shelter of her maternal grandmother.

Yailin La Más Viral and Tekashi 6ix9ine have a stormy relationship


Yailin’s stylist was affected by the couple’s violence

Another witness who broke the silence to reveal the truth of the relationship between Tekashi 6ix9ine and Yailin The Most Viral es Jeanette Acostathe singer’s stylist who assured that the Dominican owes her 15 thousand dollars, but that she preferred to walk away due to the high levels of violence with which they deal.

“You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. I walked away from this crazy relationship that they have and that was affecting me., its excessive levels of violence. I was in high-risk situations for myself and I had to walk away,” said the stylist for the aforementioned program.

Acosta assured that Yailin mightn’t leave the house without Tekashi’s permission. and said that on one occasion he had to bring clothes and makeup to the Dominican woman to cover the marks of the attacks.

The constant fights, that was too much aggression, I didn’t want to be in the middle of that, They put me at risk, I had to drive at dawn, run from one place to another and everything always happened very quickly,” he said.

Daniel (Tekashi’s real name) He is a person who intimidates, who manipulates, He is very agile with his brain and his words, so if I helped Yailin I would put myself in a very compromising situation. The most serious thing regarding this is that She doesn’t care regarding any of that.she doesn’t care regarding the people she compromises,” he added.

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