The most prominent headlines of Moroccan newspapers issued today, Saturday, August 31, 2024


Below is a review of the most prominent headlines in the national newspapers issued today, Saturday, August 31, 2024:

Al-Halimi: Statistics have no role in determining families’ eligibility for direct social assistance (Socialist Union)

High Commissioner Ahmed Lahlimi stressed, during a press conference held in Rabat on Thursday, that the general population and housing census forms, which will officially launch tomorrow, Sunday, September 1, do not include any link to household income or expenditure, nor do they contain any question regarding the national electronic identification card number. Therefore, the information collected in the census cannot be linked to personal data included in other administrative records, such as the national population registry or the unified social registry, and it has no role in determining the eligibility or entitlement of families to benefit from direct social programs. Lahlimi denied that the aim of the general census is to infringe on citizens’ rights, including direct social assistance that vulnerable families benefit from.

(Global Finance) 2024: Al-Jawahari among the best central bank governors in the world (Socialist Union)

The American magazine “Global Finance” ranked the Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib, Abdellatif Jouahri, among the list of the best central bank governors in the world for the year 2024. Jouahri, who received an “A” grade, is the only central governor in the Middle East and North Africa region to be among the top ten in this classification entitled “Central Banker Report Cards 2024”. The report, issued annually by “Global Finance” since 1994, ranks central bank governors in more than 100 countries, territories and major regions as well as the European Union, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Bank of Central African States, and the Central Bank of West African States.

Green Hydrogen.. Morocco received 40 project requests in less than 6 months (Al-Ummah Message)

Less than 6 months after the Prime Minister’s announcement, the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) has received nearly 40 project applications in various regions of the Kingdom. A statement from the Prime Minister’s Office confirmed that “in line with the high royal directives, the Steering Committee, chaired by the Prime Minister, examined the progress of the various projects related to the implementation of the “Morocco Offer” for the development of the green hydrogen sector. In this context, the Committee discussed the methodology that will be adopted in the evaluation and selection of projects through a precise definition of criteria.”

The statement added that during this meeting, which comes less than 6 months after the Prime Minister issued the circular activating the “Morocco Offer” to develop the green hydrogen sector, it was confirmed that the platform created by the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) has received approximately 40 project requests to date.

Personal Rights Index.. Morocco gains 5 points (Al-Ummah Message)

Morocco has made progress by five points in the “Personal Rights” index, as confirmed by a report issued by the American non-profit Social “Progress Imperative” Foundation. The report of the American research organization ranked Morocco 107th globally in the Personal Rights Index for the year 2024 out of 170 countries included in the classification, and gave it a score of 56.84 points in this sub-index on which the Social Progress Index relied to classify countries, compared to the 112th place globally, which it occupied in the previous version of the index. The report relied in its classification of countries in this axis on four sub-indicators that include: equal protection, equality before the law, individual freedoms, freedom of peaceful assembly, and political rights.

Morocco – Senegal.. Signing of two framework agreements to enhance cooperation in the field of transportation (Al-Ummah Message)

Two framework agreements were signed in Rabat between Morocco and Senegal to enhance cooperation in the field of transport. This came during a working meeting held by the Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohamed Abdeljalil, with the Senegalese Minister of Infrastructure, Land and Air Transport, Malick Ndiaye, who was accompanied by the Senegalese Ambassador to Rabat, Sinabou Dial, and a high-level delegation from his country.

The first framework agreement for cooperation was signed between the National Office of Railways and the National Company for the Management of the Regional High-Speed ​​Train in Senegal, and the second between the Railway Training Institute and the National Company for the Management of the Regional High-Speed ​​Train in Senegal. This meeting was an opportunity to discuss opportunities for strengthening cooperation in the fields of railway maintenance, road and air transport, in addition to discussing ways to improve road safety conditions in the two countries.

The Government Council approves the Criminal Procedure Code.. Aims to develop mechanisms to combat crime and rationalize pre-trial detention (News)

The Government Council, in its meeting held the day before yesterday, Thursday, approved Draft Law No. 03.23 amending and supplementing Law No. 22.01 relating to criminal procedure, taking into account the comments raised by some ministers.

The Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman, Mustapha Baitas, explained during a press conference following the weekly meeting of the Council, that the draft law presented by the Minister of Justice, Abdellatif Wahbi, aims to review Law No. 22.01 relating to criminal procedure, after more than twenty years since its issuance. Baitas added that the draft law falls within the framework of modernizing the national legal system, as it is considered one of the most important axes for achieving the comprehensive and profound project to reform the justice system in the Kingdom, which King Mohammed VI has been calling for on several occasions.

Strengthening the supply of drinking water to rural areas in the Souss region (news)

The various competent services in the prefecture of Agadir Ida Outanane continue to mobilize significant human, logistical and technical resources to strengthen the supply of drinking water to rural areas. In this regard, national cooperation teams are mobilized on the ground to contribute to the generalization of the supply of drinking water to the population in villages not supplied with this vital material, relying in particular on tanker trucks to transport water to rural areas.

In a statement to the Maghreb Arab Press Agency, Abdelouahed Ououk, a technician at the regional delegation for national cooperation and responsible for the process of supplying the rural world with drinking water, said that this initiative concerns 202 villages under the territorial jurisdiction of the Agadir Ida Outanane prefecture.

He added that it concerns 155 roundabouts in the Agadir Atlantic district (4 tanker trucks), and 44 roundabouts in the Agadir Ahwaz district (two tanker trucks), explaining that this process continues throughout the year without interruption in full compliance with safety and hygiene conditions.

WORLEY and OCP make Morocco one of the largest producers of green ammonia and a global hydrogen hub (Moroccan Sahara)

Australia-based Worley has announced that work on two major strategic green ammonia projects developed in collaboration with OCP Group in Morocco will start before the end of 2024.

Worley said in its annual report, which was reviewed by the Sahara Al Maghribia newspaper, that the start of work on the Tarfaya Power-to-X project will be scheduled for this September.

The source added that this huge project includes a transportation network, hydrogen and ammonia factories, and storage facilities. It will also include a temporary space to accommodate 30,000 employees, which will later be transformed into a city that will receive these workers and their families. The company revealed that all the facilities of this city will be operated by wind and solar energy.

Mohammed V University.. Launching two nanosatellites (Moroccan Sahara)

Mohammed V University in Rabat announced that, in cooperation with the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research and the Royal Center for Space Studies and Research, the first two university nanosatellites, “UM5-Ribat” and “UM5-EOSat,” were launched using the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, from the Vanderburgh base in California (United States of America).

This project, carried out by researchers at the University Center for Research in Space Technologies of Mohammed V University, based at the Mohammedia School of Engineering, is the result of three years of discipline and passion to make the project a success. The design of the two satellites, which can be reprogrammed in orbit, embodies the expertise developed at Mohammed V University, allowing the satellites’ functions to be modified or modified during flight as needed.

Thwarting an attempt to smuggle about 40 kilograms of gold into Morocco (Al-Massa)

Recently, the Royal Gendarmerie thwarted, in the eastern part of the country, an attempt to smuggle about 40 kilograms of gold, by members of a network that trades in smuggled goods between Morocco and Algeria. The Royal Gendarmerie was able to arrest three people in this case. The sources revealed that this quantity of gold smuggled into the national territory was seized and three people suspected of being linked to this network were arrested.

The seawater desalination plant in Chtouka Ait Baha produces 275 thousand cubic meters per day, and the extension project is under study (Le Matin)

The seawater desalination plant, located in the province of Chtouka Ait Baha, is a structural and strategic facility that aims to alleviate water stress and address the severe shortage of water resources in the Souss-Massa water basin. With a total cost of 4.41 billion dirhams, of which 2.35 billion dirhams are allocated to the irrigation component, and 2.06 billion dirhams are allocated to drinking water, this major project, the first of its kind in Africa, aims to fill the water deficit and produce new water resources.

This project, which was carried out thanks to a public-private partnership, will irrigate an area of ​​up to 15,000 hectares in the Chtouka plain by desalinating seawater instead of groundwater, and will benefit 1,500 farms. This hydraulic facility will also produce 400,000 cubic meters per day of desalinated water, which will be shared equally between drinking water and irrigation water, thus contributing to the preservation of the agricultural activity that characterizes the region, especially crops with high added value.

The process of selecting and integrating recruits of the 39th Expedition for military service will begin on September 2nd (Liberation)

In implementation of the high instructions of His Majesty, the Supreme Commander and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, the recruit training centers will begin the process of selecting and integrating recruits of the thirty-ninth (39) contingent for military service, starting from September 2, 2024, according to a statement from the General Command of the Royal Armed Forces.

The same source explained that on this occasion, the General Command of the Royal Armed Forces took all necessary measures and procedures to ensure the success of this operation, in coordination and cooperation with various actors and stakeholders.

In this context, the statement added, every male or female candidate for military service for the thirty-ninth expedition, who has received the order to join to perform this national duty, must review in advance the important information attached to it, and commit to the date and place of the selection process referred to in this document, while bringing the required documents and the certificates obtained.

#prominent #headlines #Moroccan #newspapers #issued #today #Saturday #August
2024-09-03 14:25:44



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