The most prominent headlines in Moroccan newspapers published today, Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The following is a display of the most prominent national newspaper headlines issued today, Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Bourita discusses in New York with Staffan de Mistura (Socialist Union)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad, Mr. Nasser Bourita, held discussions in New York, on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, with the Personal Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General to the Moroccan Sahara, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, at the latter’s request, according to what This was stated in a statement by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United Nations. The communication explained that these discussions, which took place in the presence of the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the United Nations, Mr. Omar Hilal, constituted an occasion to review the current international dynamic, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, in support of the Kingdom’s sovereignty over its Sahara, which is supported by many countries. In favor of the Moroccan initiative for autonomy.

Economic growth slowdown during the second quarter of 2024 (Socialist Union)

The High Commission for Planning reported that the results of the national accounts for the second quarter of 2024 showed that national economic growth recorded a slowdown, with a growth rate of 2.4 percent instead of 2.5 percent during the same quarter of 2023. The Commission stated, in a news note about… The economic situation during the second quarter of 2024 is that internal demand formed a locomotive for economic growth in a context characterized by controlling inflation and increasing the need to finance the national economy, which reached 11 percent of the gross domestic product.

The chaos of “speed bumps” mobilizes the interior (The Nation’s Message)

Abdel Wafi Laftit, Minister of the Interior, revealed, based on the results of a research conducted on the speed bumps in urban areas, which included 70 prefectures and regions, that random speed bumps constitute 36 percent of the total speed bumps spread across the territory of these prefectures and regions. The Minister explained, in his answer to a written question in the House of Representatives, about “the spread of random speed bumps in cities,” that most of these speed bumps are spread in alleys and popular neighborhoods, where residents deliberately build them in order to force drivers, especially motorcycle owners, to slow down and thus reduce accidents. Sir.

Lakjaa: Morocco confirms the path of continuous improvement in the performance of its public finance management system (Message of the Nation)

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy and Finance, in charge of the budget, Faouzi Lakjaa, highlighted that Morocco confirms the path of continuous improvement with regard to the transparency and performance of its public finance management system. Mr. Lakjaa said during a workshop devoted to the results of the evaluation of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Program 2023, organized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in partnership with the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Union and the French Development Agency, that this evaluation, which covers the period 2020-2022, revealed a high level of performance. The public finance management system in Morocco since the previous evaluation.

The Competition Council responds and abolishes the monopoly of cash performance (science)

The Competition Council announced the proposal of the Monetary Center and the nine banks participating in it, undertakings aimed at improving the competitiveness of the payment market with electronic payment devices (TPE) and payment via the Internet with a bank card (PEL). The Council stated, in a statement, that “in the context of studying the file referred by NAPS SA, the Monetary Center and the nine banks contributing to it submitted a proposal for pledges to the Competition Council aimed at responding to the competitive concerns identified during the study of the issue, and improving the competitiveness of the card electronic performance market (TPE and PEL).” “.

The filling rate of the Kingdom’s dams does not exceed 28.7 percent, and 70 percent of the resources are concentrated in three water basins (Al-Alam)

The water resources currently available in the Kingdom’s dams amounted to 4,814 million cubic meters, with a total filling rate of 28.7 percent as of yesterday, Monday, September 30, 2024. The recent rains had very positive effects on a number of dams, especially in the eastern region, which was known There was a noticeable improvement in its water situation, as the filling rate of the Malwiya Basin dams reached 35.45 percent, and the Kerziz Gris dams reached 39.52 percent.

Statistics…beginning data analysis (Moroccan events)

Experts and specialists at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Ibn Jarir began analyzing and evaluating the numbers and various data that had been collected, while identifying errors in order to avoid them in the statistics before the official announcement of the population of Morocco and the rest of the data related to Moroccan society, after the official end of the census. Year of population and housing 2024 in all regions of the Kingdom. Thus, the results obtained will be monitored, analyzed in-depth, published, and distributed either through the official website of the High Commission for Planning or through written reports.

A new strike paralyzes the courts (Moroccan events)

At a time when the Ministry of Justice resorted to implementing the wage-for-work decision by deducting the wages of those on strike, especially the clerks, the unions declared their strike against the government, by organizing protests in all courts, judicial centers, and health care centers yesterday, Monday, September 30, while waging a national strike for a period of time. 72 hours on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and then the 8th, 9th, and 10th of this October, in protest against this measure, and to demand the settlement of the claim file for the seizure clerk.

The Minister of the Interior reveals a plan to spread the reuse of wastewater to various regions (Moroccan Sahara)

Abdel-Wafi Laftit, Minister of Interior, revealed the plan to spread the reuse of wastewater to various regions of the Kingdom. The Minister explained, in his answer to a written question from the movement team, that the reuse of treated wastewater constitutes one of the axes of the National Program for Integrated Liquid Disinfection and Reuse of Treated Wastewater (PNAM), with the aim of filling 100 million cubic meters during the year 2027, and 537 million cubic meters cubic meters of wastewater by 2050.

Commemorating the 69th anniversary of the victorious launch of the Liberation Army’s operations in the north of the Kingdom (the Moroccan Sahara)

At the beginning of October 2024 in the provinces of Pullmane, Taza, Al Hoceima and Nador, the Moroccan people, along with the Resistance Family and the Liberation Army, commemorate the 69th anniversary of the victorious launch of the Liberation Army’s operations in the north of the Kingdom, which embodied a bright milestone in the record of epics against the foreign presence for the sake of Morocco’s independence and unity and the return of His Majesty the late Mohammed V. And his companion in struggle and exile, His Majesty the late Hassan II and the honorable royal family from immemorial exile to the homeland, announcing, may God have mercy on him, the end of the period of quarantine and protection and the rising of the sun of freedom and independence.

Health professionals demand geriatric services to ensure health and social care for the elderly (Morocco Sahara)

Dr. Khadija Musiyar, a specialist in geriatric medicine, stated in a statement to “Moroccan Sahara” that the public health sector lacks specialized services in geriatric medicine in Moroccan hospitals in order to respond to the urgent needs of this segment of society, which is moving towards a numerical expansion to reach about 6 million elderly people. Moroccan by 2030, out of about two billion people in 2050 globally, according to data from the World Health Organization.

Moroccans are among the largest foreign investors in the real estate sector in Spain, at 6.1 percent (Morocco Sahara)

Moroccans rank second after the Germans when it comes to investing in real estate in Spain, according to data issued for the second quarter of this year and published on the “Merca2” website. Moroccans accounted for 6.1 percent of the total foreign purchases, which strengthens their position as one of the most prominent nationalities investing in Spanish real estate market. This increase came in light of the increase in the proportion of foreign purchases to 15 percent of the total real estate transactions in Spain, which reflects the increasing interest of international investors in the Spanish real estate market.

Morocco and Kazakhstan agree in New York on visa exemption (today’s statement)

Last Thursday in New York, Morocco and Kazakhstan signed a visa exemption agreement. The agreement was signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad, Nasser Bourita, and his Kazakh counterpart, Murad Nurtlou, following discussions they held at the United Nations headquarters in New York. These discussions took place between Messrs. Bourita and Nourtlou on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Launching an institutional dialogue to review the legal framework for exercising the right to obtain information (today’s statement)

An institutional dialogue was launched to review the legal framework for exercising the right to access information in a way that better responds to accessibility requirements. The Committee on the Right to Access to Information stated, in a statement on the occasion of the International Day of the Right to Access to Information, which falls on September 28 of each year, that it took the initiative, weeks ago, to open an institutional discussion and dialogue to review Law No. 31-13 related to the right to obtain information in Morocco so that it responds. It better meets availability requirements and overcomes the challenges that were observed more than 6 years after its issuance and more than 5 years after it entered into force.

The World Bank warns of the dangers of climate change (Sabah)

The World Bank revealed a number of risks threatening the coastal regions of Morocco due to climate change, noting that Morocco is a climate hotspot after temperatures began to rise by 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade on average since the 1960s, which is double the global average. The financial institution explained, in its report entitled “Climate change and the impacts on the blue economy in Morocco… business prospects in coastal tourism,” that climate change threatens the national blue economy, in parallel with sea level rise, ocean warming, and changing temperatures and rainfall patterns, which… It affects sectors that depend on marine and coastal resources, stressing that coastal erosion and coastal flooding remain a source of concern, as 42 percent of the coast in Morocco is exposed to this danger.

His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid presides over the opening of the 15th session of the New Horse Exhibition (Le Matin)

Yesterday, Monday, at the Mohammed VI Exhibition Center, His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Rachid chaired the opening ceremony of the fifteenth session of the New Horse Fair, whose activities will continue until October 6 under the slogan “Horse breeding in Morocco… innovation and challenge.” The El Jadida Horse Exhibition, organized under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, has become, year after year, an indispensable platform for meeting and exchange between various stakeholders in the horse breeding sector, as it enables the richness of the cultural equestrian heritage in the Kingdom and the multiple uses of the horse in sports fields. Cultural and festive. This landmark event highlights the special place that the horse, this noble creature, occupies in history, national cultural identity and in collective memory. This event, organized by the Horse Exhibition Association, which has gained a growing national and international reputation, offers a rich and diverse scientific, cultural and entertainment programme.

Foreign trade: Exports to Spain are on the rise (Departure Eco)

Trade between Morocco and Spain is experiencing unprecedented prosperity, especially in the Iberian Peninsula. In fact, the latest statistics indicate that imports from Morocco rose significantly in July. Spain increased its spending on imports by 16 percent in July compared to the same month last year, with the volume of its purchases reaching 36.483 million euros, according to data published by the Ministry of Economy and Trade. However, the increase in spending on imports from Morocco by Spain is largely explained by the rise in oil prices, whose imports were estimated at 506 million euros in July, an increase of almost 48% compared to the previous year.

About 12 million tourists were registered at the end of August (L’Opinion)

The Directorate of Studies at the Ministry of Economy and Finance reported that the Kingdom received 11.9 million tourists by the end of August 2024, an increase of 16 percent compared to the same period last year. The Ministry indicated that this performance is due to a 6 percent increase during the first months of the third quarter, as well as a 13 percent increase in the second quarter and 2.9 percent in the first quarter.

Wastewater: more than 100 million cubic meters by 2027 (The Economist)

The Ministry of Interior intends to accelerate the pace of mobilization of unconventional water. This concerns in particular the widespread use of wastewater. This process aims to achieve a volume of 100 million cubic meters by 2027, and 537 million cubic meters of treated wastewater by 2050. These resources can also be used for agricultural purposes, as several countries have already used this technology.

Domestic demand increased by 5 percent during the second quarter of 2024 (Liberation)

The High Commission for Planning reported that internal demand rose during the second quarter of 2024 by 5 percent instead of 0.1 percent during the same quarter of last year, contributing to economic growth by 5.2 points instead of 0.01 points last year. The delegation highlighted, in a news note on the economic situation during the second quarter of 2024, that household final consumption expenditures witnessed an increase in their growth rate by 3.1 percent instead of 0.6 percent, contributing to growth of 1.7 points compared to 0.4. a point.

A meeting in New York to track the activation of the royal initiative to enhance the access of coastal countries to the Atlantic Ocean (statement)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad, Nasser Bourita, held, in New York, with his counterparts from Burkina Faso Karamoko Jean-Marie Traoré, the Republic of Mali Abdoulaye Diop, the Republic of Niger Bakary Yaw Sangari, and the Republic of Chad Abderrahmane Gholamallah, a coordination meeting on activating the initiative of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, aiming to enhance the access of the Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean. His Majesty King Mohammed VI launched this initiative at the international level in order to facilitate the access of the Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean, in the lofty speech delivered by His Majesty on November 6, 2023, on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Green March. During this meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs praised the work accomplished by the national task forces for Morocco, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Chad during the first meeting of the national task forces, held in Rabat last June.

#prominent #headlines #Moroccan #newspapers #published #today #Tuesday #October
2024-10-02 19:35:57



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