The most notable anniversaries of August 27

  • 1825:The Uruguayan Orientals decree the independence of the Eastern Bank of the country from Brazil, after the victory of the uprising led by the so-called group of the Thirty-Three.

  • 1883: In Indonesia, the fourth and most violent day of the Krakatoa volcano eruption occurs, which will leave a balance of 36,417 fatalities. Four explosions are recorded (at 5:00 a.m.

  • 1909: In the city of Monterrey (Nuevo Leon) The strongest flood in Monterrey Mexico | Tragic day ((Nuevo Leon))

  • 1910In the United States, Thomas Edison carries out the first demonstration of the kinetoscope, a cinematograph with sound.

  • 1914In Africa, French and British soldiers occupy German Togoland.

  • 1939: Germany demands the return of Danzig and the “Polish corridor”.

  • 1941In the Soviet Union, during the Second World War, the Baltic Fleet evacuates the naval base in Tallinn.

  • 1955: The Guinness Book of Records is published for the first time.

  • 1957In the Rio de la Plata, the Argentine ship Ciudad de Buenos Aires collides with the American freighter Mormack Surf; more than a hundred people die in the accident.

  • 1958: A Soviet satellite returns to Earth after failing to put into orbit; its crew, two dogs, return safely.

  • 1958: Montserrat Tresserras and José Vitos swim across the English Channel.

  • 1962: United States launches the Mariner 2 probe towards Venus.

  • 1965: British musical band The Beatles visits Elvis Presley at his mansion in Graceland.

  • 1967: On Pancasán Hill (Nicaragua), the National Guard of dictator Anastasio Somoza kills several FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front) guerrillas.

  • 1978:The Shah of Iran appoints Jafar Sharif-Emami as prime minister.

  • 1981: at the Nevada Test Site (about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas), at 6:00 a.m.

  • 1997:A group of archaeologists discovers in the El Pendo Cave (Cantabria) one of the largest friezes of cave paintings in the world, estimated to be 20,000 years old.

  • 2003: Mars makes its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years, coming within 55,758,005 km.

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