The most important vitamin in your life, do not tolerate its deficiency in your body, beware of these signs appearing on you

The most important vitamin in your life, do not tolerate its deficiency in your body, beware of these signs appearing on you – educate me

The lack of the natural rate of vitamins and nutrients is a dangerous indicator that should not be neglected because of the health consequences that it causes, and the deficiency that occurs in the rate of the vitamin has visible symptoms on the body, and one of the vitamins that if an imbalance occurs in its rate harms the body is the vitamin of life, and the occurrence of vitamin deficiency is considered b12 occurs in several stages, the first in which the reserves of the same vitamin decrease in the body, while the decrease continues in its second stage to drop below the normal limit, while in the last stage the person develops anemia and difficult illness.

Signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency

The vitamin of life is vitamin B12, and when an imbalance occurs in the rate of this vitamin in the body, a group of symptoms appear as a reaction to the imbalance in the vitamin, and these symptoms include the following:

  • It is not easy for an individual to know the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, especially that it appears gradually, as it begins in a small way and continues to increase until it reaches a state of weakness and severe weakness.
  • The symptoms that result from the imbalance in vitamin B12 are cumulative symptoms, as the method of absorbing this vitamin in the liver helps to store it in the body for a long time, up to several years, until the symptoms begin to appear clearly on the nervous system.
  • Other symptoms that result from a lack of vitamin B12 from the normal range are general weakness, constant fatigue, leg pain, increased heart rate, redness and inflammation of the tongue, dizziness, and the inability to breathe.

The danger of vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency results in a range of risks to an individual’s health, including the following:

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency results in severe damage to the nerve endings as a result of the fact that vitamin B12 is responsible for the presence of the element myelin, which has an important role for the nervous system, a substance that protects nerves in all parts of the body, and as a result of vitamin B12 deficiency stops the production of this substance, causing It causes nerve damage.
  • In general, vitamin B12 deficiency leads to a number of muscle cramps in the feet and hands.

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