The most important questions asked during the census process.


As is known, the census process in Morocco began today, Monday, September 2, 2024, and will continue until the 30th.
During the process, in which more than 55,000 male and female researchers participate, researchers ask citizens a number of questions, and their answers are included on an electronic board (tablet), and the data is sent directly to the supervising authority in an encrypted manner to ensure the protection of private data.

There are two types of questionnaires that ask citizens questions. The first is a brief questionnaire that includes a limited number of questions that can be answered in a period of time not exceeding five minutes, while 20 percent of Moroccans who will be selected “automatically and randomly” will answer the questions of the extended questionnaire.

The short form includes data on the nature of the kinship between family members and the head of the household, gender, nationality, age, social status, place of birth, age at marriage, type of residence, and the distance between the residence and basic facilities, whether related to work, hospitals or educational institutions, in addition to identifying the condition of the roads, the means of transportation to determine the quality of transportation, its availability and the structure of the roads.

The form will also include questions about the phenomenon of migration, to determine the age, gender and date of migration of the migrant, to know the place of residence before the current residence, and to limit deaths by knowing the date of death, gender and age of the deceased at death.

The questions related to the extended form include fertility, difficulties faced by people in special situations, the nature of care methods and seeking treatment, the ability to communicate, and the health insurance system.

This form also includes questions about the first mother tongue that the child communicated in at home, whether it is Darija, Awtashelhit, Tamazight, Tarifit, Hassaniya, or other languages ​​used at home for speakers of foreign languages, in addition to questions related to mastery of reading and writing in a number of languages, including the Tifinagh script in addition to Arabic, French, English and Spanish.

It also includes questions about the level of education and the nature of the certificates obtained, whether educational or professional, in addition to the profession or economic activity practiced, the level of use of modern technology, and a number of details related to housing conditions, such as the number of rooms, the nature of home ownership, the source of lighting, the quality of water and the method of providing it, the use of renewable energy in household uses, and the method of disposing of household waste.

#important #questions #asked #census #process
2024-09-05 00:41:18



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