The Most Effective Ways to Quit Smoking: Varenicline, Cytisine, and Nicotine Electronic Cigarettes

2023-09-30 05:40:12

Varenicline and cytisine, as well as nicotine electronic cigarettes, have proven to be the most successful and effective in helping smokers to quit smoking, according to a study published by the website ““Science Alert”.

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death worldwide, and although many people would like to quit, it can be difficult to do so.

Diseases that affect the lungs, such as cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and tuberculosis, cause more than 40 percent of all deaths resulting from tobacco use, according to “Global Health Organization“.

In 2017, tobacco claimed the lives of 3.3 million tobacco users and those exposed to second-hand smoke as a result of lung diseases.

Nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco that makes quitting smoking difficult, and produces satisfactory effects in your brain, but these effects are temporary, which makes you seek to smoke another cigarette, according to the “Nicotine” website.Mayo Clinic“.

Nicotine addiction occurs when you need it and can’t stop using it, as it reaches the brain within seconds of inhaling it.

In the brain, nicotine increases the secretion of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which help regulate mood and behavior.

Dopamine, one of these neurotransmitters, is released in the reward center of the brain and causes feelings of happiness and improved mood.

The more you smoke, the more nicotine you need to feel comfortable. Nicotine soon becomes part of your daily routine and becomes associated with your habits and feelings.

Without help, only regarding 6 in 100 people have a chance of successfully quitting smoking.

Varenicline and cytisine work by activating nicotinic receptors in the brain.

These receptors release dopamine when activated by nicotine.

According to the results, regarding 14 percent of smokers who try to quit smoking with the help of these methods will succeed for six months or more.

The most effective strategy has been to combine two types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), such as nicotine patches and gum or lozenges.

About 12 out of every 100 people who use both types of nicotine replacement therapy will successfully stop smoking, compared to regarding 9 out of every 100 people who use only one type.

Reducing nicotine gradually may be slightly more effective than quitting smoking suddenly.

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