The most beautiful wild flights
Between passerines and raptors of all kinds, the variety that avian species show is simply amazing. Few images are as beautiful as those of a bird taken in full flight, high in the sky.
Click to discover the most disconcerting images.
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Scientific name: Surnia ulula.
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Red-bellied Woodpecker
Scientific name: Melanerpes carolinus.
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Scientific name: Fratercula.
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Scientific name: Upupa epos.
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Bald Eagle
Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus.
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Yellow-legged Gull
SCIENTIFIC Name: Michael Larus.
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European starling
Scientific name: Sturnus vulgaris.
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Scientific name: Morus bassanus.
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European bee-eater
Scientific name: Merops apiaster.
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Great horned owl
Nom scientific: Bubo bubo.
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lesser flamingo
Scientific name: Phoenicoparrus minor.
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white stork
Scientific name: Ciconia ciconia.
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Blue jay
Scientific name: Cyanocitta crostata.
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Canada Goose
Scientific name: Branta canadensis.
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snowy owl
Scientific name: Bubo scandiacus.
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Calao bicorne
Nom scientifically: Buceros bicornis.
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brown pelican
Scientific name: Pelecanus occidentalis.
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Sophie’s Ariadne
Scientific name: Amazilia saucerottei.
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Grue du Canada
Scientific name: Antigone canadensis.
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Pied Kingfisher
Scientific name: Ceryle rudis.
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great gray owl
Scientific name: Strix nebulas.
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Wandering Albatross
Scientific name: Diomedea exulans.
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Oriole de Baltimore
Scientific name: Icterus galbula.
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gray heron
Scientific name: Ardea cinerea.
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arctic tern
Scientific name: Sterna paradisaea.
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mute swan
Scientific name: Cygnus olor.
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American Robin
Scientific name: Turdus migratorius.
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Mallard duck
Scientific name: Anas platyrhynchos.
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Condor of the Andes
Scientific name: Vultur gryphus.
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Common Kingfisher
Scientific name: Alcedo atthis.
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American Avocet
Scientific name: Recurvirostra americana.
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Black Scissor
Scientific name: Rynchops niger.
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