The Mona Zaki series in Ramadan 2023 raises the issue of guardianship over children. Critics comment

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) – The series “Under Guardianship” opened the debate regarding the need to change the financial and educational guardianship of children following the death of the father, following the first episodes presented the suffering of the heroine, who plays the role of the artist, Mona Zaki, in caring for her husband’s money to spend on her children, as well as in Her son’s transfer from school.

The series also showed the Egyptian woman’s struggle to work for her children, and the series won praise from Maya Morsi, head of the National Council for Women.

During the Ramadan season this year, series dealing with women’s issues will be shown, the most prominent of which is “Hazrat Al-Omda”, which discusses the issue of women assuming the position of mayor and their ability to manage the village, and the violence that women face and female genital mutilation.

While the series “Nadra’s Coin” discusses the issue of women’s inheritance and how some women are denied access to their inheritance, the series Under Guardianship deals with the financial and educational guardianship crisis of minor children following the death of the father, and how the mother is deprived of spending on her children.

Journalist Farida Al-Shobashi, a member of the Defense and National Security Committee in the Egyptian Parliament, said that the series Under Guardianship warns of an intractable problem for mothers who lose their husbands, which is falling under the control of the grandfather’s financial and educational guardianship, which puts the mother in suffering in spending on her children as a result of the greed of some grandfathers. In the inheritance of the deceased father, and the participation of his children in the inheritance without entitlement, while the guardian does not assume his role in caring for the children and preserving their rights, and providing the necessary expenses for minor children for education and the expenses necessary to provide them with a decent life, which is contrary to the noble Islamic religion.

In its first article, the Law on Guardianship over Money grants financial and educational guardianship over minor children to the grandfather.

Al-Shobashi added, in exclusive statements to CNN in Arabic, that the state, parliament and religious institutions are working together to review many legislations and fatwas related to women in accordance with true Islam, and guarantee women’s rights to inheritance, financial guardianship over their minor children, as well as in cases of divorce, noting that the law The new personal status law will work to do justice to Egyptian women and contribute to achieving equality with men, in addition to promoting women’s empowerment, especially since the Egyptian state has paid attention to Egyptian women in assuming ministerial and parliamentary positions.

The Egyptian government intends to put forward a new draft personal status law for societal dialogue, before referring it to the Council of Ministers for approval and transferring it to Parliament for approval. The law contributes to reducing the high divorce rates in recent years, and achieving a balance between the rights of men and women.

For his part, the art critic, Andrew Mohsen, believes that the series Under Guardianship is one of the best dramas that will be shown during the month of Ramadan this year. This is the result of two factors; The first: The idea of ​​the series, which is discussing the issue of the mother’s guardianship over her minor children following the death of the husband, which is one of the issues that is always raised in Egyptian society. Narration of events and details in each episode without boredom, repetition or length, especially since it is one of the works shown in only 15 episodes.

The series “Under Guardianship” began in the second half of Ramadan, and its events revolve around a housewife and mother of two children, who faces a problem with her deceased husband’s family, which forces her to work and struggle to spend on her children. Diab, directed by Mohamed Shaker Khudair.

Mohsen added, in exclusive statements to CNN in Arabic, that the series Under Guardianship discusses other issues facing women in society, such as their leadership of men at work, inferring this from the sailors’ refusal to work with the heroine in fishing on her boat, and also discusses the woman’s insistence in the struggle to spend on her children, noting Until the series Under Guardianship outperformed the series Hazrat Al-Omda in dealing with women’s issues; Because he presented the problems attractively and with a real approach without listing them among the events, as happened in the presence of the mayor.

The series “Hazrat El Omda” deals with issues facing Egyptian women through the assumption of a young woman who used to work as a professor at the American University, the position of mayor of a rural village to be shocked by the reality that women live in society. Female circumcision, as well as the murder of Naira Ashraf, known in the media as the “Mansoura Girl”.

The critic, Magda Khairallah, agreed with him that the series Under Guardianship is one of the best dramas this year, and added that all the technical elements of the series took place perfectly, whether the issue it is discussing, and the way it is presented artistically, and not directly, which prompted viewers to interact with the heroine, She tries, despite the difficulties she faces, to spend on her children, which once more raises controversy over the issue of the financial and educational guardianship of the deceased husband’s family over the minor children.

Khairallah added, in exclusive statements to CNN in Arabic, that the issue raised in the series Under Guardianship requires the responsible authorities to review the conditions for guardianship of minor children. To save the lives of families who lose a husband, by giving the mother full responsibility to spend on her children and dispose of this money, in addition to providing educational guardianship, as if she is not qualified or not trusted to fulfill her children’s requirements.



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