The moment a missile fell meters from a journalist in Ukraine

A French reporter was close to the explosion in Kramatorsk

When preparing for a live report, already in front of the camera, a journalist was close to being hit by a Russian missilewhich fell meters from the mobile location of a French channel in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorskin the east of the country, where intense shelling by both sides continues.

Paul Gasnier and his companions Heloise Gregoire y Theo Palfrayof the program Daily of the chain TF1, were meters from the impact on Monday night in an impressive moment that was recorded on video. Fortunately, all three were unharmed.

“I had not seen the image,” commented the presenter Yann Barthès from France, with a shocked face.

The special envoy recounted: “We do not know if there are victims, in any case we were the only ones who were outside, we were in the parking lot in front of our hotelwe had been there for an hour, we were ready for the transmission ”.

“We don’t even know exactly where it fell, we just know that it was very noisy, we had dust in our eyes and in our mouths. Part of the hotel entrance collapsed on us, the windows were smashed,” he added.

Paul Gasnier, moments before the explosion

“It was very confusing, we didn’t know exactly what had happened. We were so scared, but we’re all safe”, affirmed Gasnier, who acknowledged that “his hands are still shaking a little”.

After the explosion, the team took refuge in a place other than the hotel. “We followed the journalists who took refuge in a church a little further away, in another part of Kramatorsk, so now I am in the premises of a religious congregation,” he said.

A German newspaper reporter Bild he suffered minor injuries from shrapnel in the same bombardment.

journalists from AFP in the Kramatorsk region, the de facto capital of Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region, reported four loud explosions on Monday night.

Russia’s Defense Ministry said on social media Monday that it had launched attacks near that city and in the Kharkiv region, where it says it killed “more than 70 foreign mercenaries.”

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