The modernization plan of the international airport on the island of Mahé will be modified – Le Magazine du Manager

According to the Seychelles authorities, the process is underway to revise the master plan for the international airport on the island of Mahé.

For the Seychelles Minister of Transport, Antony Derjacques, this project will include, among other things, the construction of a new terminal, the attribution to a fixed operator of the management of private flights, and the establishment of a commercial zone. modern duty free.

“With an increase in flights, the government has found it necessary to review the airport’s master plan to put in place a plan that will serve the population for the next 50 years,” explains the minister.

The initial modernization plan was designed in 2009 by the Singaporean company CPJ Corporation, but it does not take into account “future changes in traffic and even less the larger size of current aircraft”.

“One of the biggest issues we’re facing right now is aircraft parking. We have around five to six parking spaces but with the increasing size of planes using our facilities we can only take three planes at a time and very often we find ourselves having to ask private jets to drop off customers and to leave,” said Garry Albert, Director General of the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA) in February.

The air transport sector is a sector for the Republic of Seychelles which is full of many tourist places. In 2019, Alan Renaud, Principal Secretary of Civil Aviation, confided that the country expected to welcome 280,000 tourists over the year. Just over 460,000 arrivals were finally recorded.



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