“The Missouri Miracle: Catholic Nun’s Incorrupt Body Amazes Visitors”

2023-05-28 18:18:30

Texas: Four years after her death, the body of a Catholic nun still remains intact. As the news spread, the Guardian reported that hundreds of people are coming to the monastery in the Missouri town of America to see the body of the sister. The body of a nun named Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster has remained intact for four years. She died on May 29, 2019 at the age of 95. He was buried in a wooden coffin. The body was found incorrupt on May 18, 2023, when it was exhumed for burial in the cemetery where the monastery is located, the Catholic News Agency reported.

When the coffin was opened, there were no signs of decomposition. The dead body sat intact for four years even after getting wet. Cemetery officials said Sister Wilhelmina was buried in an ordinary wooden coffin without embalming, so only bones were expected. There was some dirt on the face. A wax mask was placed there. Eyelashes, hair, eyebrows, nose and lips were not damaged. The lips were smiling. Among Catholics, a body that resists decay after death is considered holy.

As the news spread, people flocked to see the remains of the nun. Many call it the Missouri Miracle. At the same time, church officials said it was important to preserve the body for a thorough investigation. Meanwhile, some experts said it’s not unusual for some bodies to not decompose in the first few years after death.

It’s hard to say how common this is because bodies are rarely exhumed after burial, said Nicholas V. Passalacqua, associate professor and director of forensic anthropology at Western Carolina University. There are many cases of well-preserved human remains. Things like Egyptian mummies were not only deliberately preserved. He explained that objects such as bog bodies in Europe were well-preserved for thousands of years because they were in an environment that inhibited the growth and entry of bacteria.

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Last Updated May 28, 2023, 11:48 PM IST

#Died #years #coffin #rotten #opened #Thousands #flock #nuns #body

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