The missing La Pampa official was found dead: he had suffered an accident

2023-09-24 01:09:08

After staying missing for two daysthe communal delegate of the Pampas town of Casa de Piedra, Martin Borthitywas found dead this Saturday in the province of La Rioja, where he was taking a motorcycle trip.

The sad news was confirmed by the Minister of Security of the northern province, Miguel Zaratewho explained that everything would indicate that the Patagonian official He suffered a road accident and fell into a small ravine from the road.

As revealed by the Pampas newspaper La Arena, the communal representative would have decompensated when I was driving through the Ruta 40meters before reaching the area called Zanja de la Viuda, west of La Rioja, where the body was found.

Search sources indicated to that media that the area where the body was found “It had already been visited by drones, at least three times, but without obtaining results.«. “It is a not so deep place, but a few meters down,” they explained.

Borthity’s last contact with his family It had been last Thursday and since then nothing more has been known about his whereabouts. The official was making a motorcycle trip through northern Argentina with a friend, who was the one who reported his disappearance.

The La Pampa official who was missing was found dead: his family’s request

Immediately, family and friends They launched a search on social networks, in which they asked for collaboration from the “biker community throughout the country.”

However, just 24 hours after that publication, the body of the representative of Casa de Piedra was found lifeless, after an intense tracking operation was mounted in which police teams from La Rioja and San Juan, and personnel from National Gendarmerie, Volunteer Firefighters and National Parks.

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With information from Télam

#missing #Pampa #official #dead #suffered #accident

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