Lapsus, clumsiness, strangeness, unsuitable behavior… No one is spared from a certain daily madness.
The author revisits here, in the light of the psychic structures highlighted by psychoanalysis, the questions that each one faces on a daily basis with more or less torment: life, death, origins, love, relationships with the master and mastery, servitude, lack, singular and collective beliefs.
All of them are situated under the aegis of the relationships that we maintain with two designations: the “other” and the “big Other”.
If the other or the others are the people gravitating around us, at once similar, familiar and strange, the Other is an abstract figure: God, the Freudian unconscious, the spirit of the legislator, science, Truth. , the paternal metaphor, the subject supposed to know…
Considering these figures of the Other as mirrors of subjectivity, the author specifies certain issues specific to hysterical, obsessive and phobic structures, thus questioning the discomfort that everyone can feel in their relationship to culture or civilization.
• The mirrors of daily madness, Jean Szpirko, Ed. Campagne Première, coll. Research, February 2021, 21 euros