the miraculous recovery of a young woman who was frozen

Jean Hilliard
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Cryogenics is one of the scientific methods that have been under study for almost half a century. The strongest conspiracy theories have suggested that some of the most famous personalities in the world, such as the iconic creator of Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney, are under the effects of this process.

Scientists have shown that a process of cryogenization or extreme freezing causes the water found in the human body to become freeze and produce crystals that considerably damage tissues, so death in such low temperatures is almost guaranteed.

Jean Hilliard

However, there is a case of a woman who was frozen at 30 degrees below zero for six hours and lived to tell about it. Her name is Jean Hilliard, a Minnesota teenager who in 1981 was on her way to visit her best friend in the middle of a snowstorm.

According to the ‘New York Times’, the young woman suffered a car accident on one of the roads in the small town of Lengby, seeing that her vehicle was stuck on the road, she decided to go out to get help, but the temperature did its thing and completely froze her.

After not arriving at her partner’s house, her family and friends went out to look for her, but it was too late, because her best friend found her under the snow and with a chilling appearance.

“I grabbed her by the neck and threw her on the porch. I thought she was dead. She froze more than a board, but I saw some bubbles coming out of her nose »Wlly Nelsonj, a friend of Hilliard told ‘MPR News’.

The ‘New York Post’ reported the same at that time: “His face was inert and his eyes were solidified and did not respond to light stimulation, his skin was so rigid that it was impossible to channel.”

How did he survive?

When he arrived at a Fosston Hospital care center, the doctors did not give him much hope of life; however, they began to warm his body with thermal pillows to reduce the effects of frostbite.

Jean Hilliard: representation of her frozen body made for the creation of her documentary | Photo: iStock

This process caused that after a few hours his muscles began to respond with strong spasms, as the tissues began to reactivate with the heat.

Within 24 hours of starting the warm-up process, the woman was already talking coherently with the specialists.

Its survival, as explained by some specialized portals, is due to the fact that when it cools down, its blood flow becomes slower than usual, so the oxygen that the body reduces considerably and the organs are not so affected by freezing.

“They feel frozen like a rock. That in no way deters us from the resuscitation attempt. And we have a track record of success with that,” David Plummer, a professor of emergency medicine at the University of Minnesota, told ‘MPR news.’

hilliard today

In an interview for the program ‘Today Show’, directed by Tom Brokaw, he was able to report that this fact did not change the trajectory of his life and that he has managed to form a very normal family.

All his companions told him that he had been saved by a miracle and that these kinds of things happened for a reason; however, he has been waiting nearly forty years for something dramatic and unusual to knock on his door again.

She currently lives in Cambridge, Minnesota, working at a Walmart, where she earns support to take care of her two children.

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