The Ministry of Transport gives NOK 40 million for transport analysis

The allocation of NOK 40 million to 4 tasks takes place by way of the Analysis Council. The tasks that obtain help are about carpooling, securing ferry quays and higher methods to scale back the impact of operational disruption within the railway.

– It’s critically necessary that we’ve an environment friendly transport system for passengers and items. The 4 analysis tasks that obtain help from us will have the ability to contribute to creating the transport system extra accessible, extra environment friendly and extra environmentally pleasant, says transport minister Jon-Ivar Nygård.

The Analysis Council has chosen the 4 tasks from amongst 29 functions. Amongst different issues, the tasks will assist to scale back local weather emissions, enhance site visitors security, enhance the transport infrastructure and develop new know-how that offers us new methods to journey, writes the Ministry of Transport.

The Institute of Transport Economics (TØI) receives help for 2 tasks. One will examine carpooling and the opposite will have a look at the consequences on conduct of clear data associated to automotive use.

Sintef receives help for a mission the place fashions are to be developed for planning when there’s a want to switch rail companies and for cost-effective funding choices for infrastructure.

The Norwegian College of Science and Expertise (NTNU) is receiving help for a mission that investigates which hazards have the best potential to wreck ferry quays and the way the hazards will develop in the long run with local weather change.

#Ministry #Transport #NOK #million #transport #analysis
2024-06-18 13:37:49

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