Department of Disease Control joins hands with networks jointly organize activities on the day of the HIV testing campaign To encourage people with HIV risk behaviors and people to get tested and know their infection status as soon as possible. to be able to continue treatment
On July 1, 2022, Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that the situation of HIV patients in Thailand at the end of 2021 found that there were 520,345 people infected with HIV (data from Thailand Spectrum-AEM, as of April 22, 65). There were 491,017 people living with HIV who knew their infection status, or 94% (data from the National HIV/AIDS Patient Service Information System, March). 2022), which still has some infected people whose infection status is unknown. due to HIV infection in the early stages Most were asymptomatic. They can only know when they are tested for HIV infection. The Department of Disease Control therefore encourages people to undergo screening services to know their infection status. and enter the treatment system asap improve the quality of life of people living with HIV and reduce mortality in people with HIV
This year’s campaign was organized under the concept of “HIV Test Early, Know Before You Can Move On” to publicize people’s awareness of their infection status and receive HIV testing services. : For all Thai people who have an ID card all rights of treatment Free HIV testing is available twice a year in all hospitals under the National Health Coverage. which can detect HIV infection and know the result within one day There are also two types of HIV self-test, which are fingertip blood test kits with results within 1 minute and The oral fluid test kit gives results within 20 minutes. Self-testing for HIV has advantages: convenience, privacy. You can check and know the results yourself. Suitable for those who want to know if they are infected or not but are unable to travel to the hospital. HIV self-testing kits can be purchased at most drugstores. But at present, it may still not be sold nationwide. If the initial self-screening result is positive The results should be confirmed at the hospital once more. to enter the treatment process but if the test result is negative Counseling will be given to preventing HIV and other STDs, such as preventing couples transmission. and inviting couples to come and check, etc.
Move on with antiretroviral drugs: if diagnosed with HIV The same day ART should be initiated as soon as possible to successfully suppress the viral load in the bloodstream. reduce the risk of An opportunistic infection, such as fungal meningitis Tuberculosis in the lungs or lymph nodes, pneumonia, shingles, blindness from retinal viruses and some types of cancer, etc. In addition, persistence in the treatment system By taking the drug continuously, on time and regularly, the amount of virus in the bloodstream is so low that it cannot be detected. will not transmit the infection to others resulting in the reduction of new infections reduce mortality and people with HIV can live in society normally
Department of Disease Control invites agencies and network partners in both the public, private and civil society sectors as well as the media Let’s campaign together throughout the month of July. for all people to understand and see the importance of knowing their infection status as soon as and began to continue antiretroviral therapy until the viral load was successfully suppressed until the infection is not transmitted to the couple An infected person can live with HIV safely. Reduce the risk of developing complications and can live a normal life for a long time You can follow various campaign activities on Facebook Page, AIDS and STDs Division, Department of Disease Control and Safe SEX Story page.