The Ministry of Health sends an urgent letter to 5 sectors about the mysterious hepatitis.. I know the details

The Ministry of Health and Population sent a letter to 5 health sectors affiliated with the ministry to provide the preventive medicine sector with all information and data regarding any cases detected with hepatitis of unknown origin in hospitals, considering the issue very important.

The Ministry of Health and Population had revealed that there were no cases infected withHepatitis The cause is unknown in Egypt, noting that the cases of hepatitis in Egypt are the result of infection with one of the hepatitis viruses known to all.

The Ministry of Health and Population said, according to the World Health Organization report, that 74 cases of hepatitis of unknown origin were monitored in England and Northern Ireland, in addition to monitoring 3 cases in Spain, and it continued: All cases were for children aged 11 to 13 years.

The Ministry of Health and Population added: Six cases of hepatitis of unknown cause underwent liver transplantation, and there are no deaths among the infected cases so far, noting that there is no travel history for the infected cases, and there is one epidemiologically related case.

And the Ministry of Health and Population continued in a report that the symptoms of the disease are a noticeable rise in liver enzymes, bile, diarrhea, vomiting and pain in the abdomen, and infection with ABCED viruses were excluded.



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