The Ministry of Health launched the Perinatal Plus computer system

It is a clinical record mechanism for the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn.


The province’s Ministry of Health launched this Friday Perinatal Plus Computer System, a mechanism for clinical registration of care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the newborn developed by PAHO that exceeds that currently used and will be carried out as a pilot test in four hospitals and two Upas in the province.

Santiago del Estero will be the sixth province in the country to launch it with the advantage it has in updating online use and real-time loading of medical records.
To start the implementation of the SIP Plus, a working meeting was held between the Directorate of Maternity and Childhood and the different health effectors of the first and second level of care.

It was headed by the undersecretary of Health, Dr. César Monti, and the director of Maternity and Childhood, Dr. Pedro Carrizo. Also present were the directors of Social Development and Community Health, Lic. Gonzalo Terán; and IT, Ing. Daniel Ramírez, in addition to the authorities and maternity heads of the Regional Hospitals, CIS Termas, CIS Banda, and UPA coordinators.

Dr. Monti referred to the benefits of implementing the perinatal computer system. “Through the SIP Plus, the patient is identified in her first days of pregnancy, and a follow-up is carried out until the end of it. Currently, the clinical history is uploaded through the perinatal card and thanks to this new system, we will be able to advance in the upload of data in real time and that will be available to all effectors. Data is also added, such as previous diseases that the patient may have, which will accompany her comprehensive treatment and her baby, ”he explained.

For her part, Carolina Pécora commented on the effectors that will have the SIP Plus. “As of this meeting, a pilot test will begin in the maternity hospitals of the Regional Hospitals, CIS Banda, CIS Termas, Hospital Zonal de Frías, as well as in the UPAS of the Reconquista neighborhood in the Capital City and the El Cruce neighborhood in La Band. The system is being implemented in other provinces of the country, such as Neuquén, San Juan, Jujuy, and we are currently starting the testing process in Santiago del Estero”, she pointed out.

To conclude, Dr. Martínez, director of the CIS Termas, one of the health centers in which the SIP Plus will be implemented, referred to it: “The new technologies that emerge in the health horizon will allow us to better interact with the different effectors of the province and connect to the need to know the patient’s medical history. In the event of referral of patients to Capital, it will be possible to visualize the practices and controls that were carried out, as well as the previous pathologies”.

The SIP consists of computer tools for the analysis of the data recorded in the clinical modules, being used in the gynecology-obstetrics and neonatology services. These tools allow the generation of automatic reports of groups of demographic indicators, burden of disease, interventions and results.



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