The Ministry of Economy is considering: applying the law against Arkia on…

The Ministry of Economy is examining whether the section of the law should be invoked against Israeli airlines on the grounds that they are taking advantage of the new wave of flight cancellations by the foreign companies to raise prices excessively – this is what N12 learned. The examination comes following complaints from Israelis who claim that they ordered flight tickets from Israel to Cyprus via Arkia for the next few days, and encountered price demands of about 800 or even 900 dollars per ticket per person.

In light of this and against the backdrop of security developments, the Ministry of Economy is discussing the application of the Consumer Protection Law against airlines that take advantage of flight cancellations to raise prices excessively. The discussion focuses specifically on the Arkie company, and sources in the Ministry of Economy say that the company has been labeled as exaggerating prices and deceiving the public. The body responsible for enforcing the section is the Consumer Protection Authority, subordinate to the Ministry of Economy.

Prices of an Arkia flight from Larnaca to Israel. Prices of flights to Athens marketed by Arkia

“Yesterday (Saturday) our flight was canceled exactly 4 hours before takeoff,” an Israeli woman who was stuck with her family in Cyprus this weekend told N12. According to her, the only tickets they were able to find were from the Arkie company and their price was around $800 per ticket. For a family of 4, this is an expenditure of about 3,200 dollars.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the ministry is looking into activating the new section 3a of the recently approved consumer protection law, which deals with the “prohibition of exercising unfair influence in an emergency situation”. The section gives the Minister of Economy, in consultation with the Minister of Finance, the authority to limit the ability of companies in the economy to raise the prices of essential services and products in an emergency situation.

Arkie: “Prices are managed according to demand”

Arkia responded: “Arkia, like the rest of the Israeli airlines, has faced many challenges in the last year. When the foreign companies run away and do not take another look at the Israeli consumer, these are the blue and white companies that continue to fly as long as the skies are open. Following the recommendation of the European Aviation Safety Authority, companies Many foreign countries announced the cancellation of flights to Israel yesterday and today. Arkia, which is harnessing to bring Israelis home, is increasing the flight schedule to Athens and Ranka. The flights are leaving the country empty to bring back those who need rescue from those destinations.

“In light of crew cancellations of leased planes, Arkia is forced to transfer the passengers to the company’s planes, or find other alternatives for them. The company manages the flight prices according to the demand levels. In the reality we are in, Arkia is committed to its customers, works and makes every effort to return everyone home safely “.

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