The ministers are running for support measures 2024-08-07 09:12:04

Already the amendments are falling like hail, gazettes like the one for the digital tutoring school are being published, while government decisions like the one on the support for urban and intercity bus services with 3,775,000 euros, for the first semester, for the full or partial exemption from the payment of fees to students of Higher Educational Institutions and trainees of Public Vocational Training Institutes (VET) of the academic year 2023-2024 are implemented.

In the same context, a series of issues, such as that of the extension (with a discount on tax returns until tomorrow, August 2 for those who pay) to the issue of taxation of the surplus profits of energy companies, are moving forward. In fact, the amount of the subsidy will be announced tomorrow at the latest, so that citizens will know how much they will pay on their August bills for electricity consumption.

In Maximos, at the same time, they see with satisfaction two more elements that for the government were a bet. The first concerns unemployment, as for the first time since August 2009, unemployment fell in June, according to the first measurement of EL.STAT, in single digits. The index stood at 9.6%, a 15-year low, being 0.7 points lower than in May this year and 1.8 points better than in June last year.

At the same time, yesterday, the Minister of Development, Takis Theodorikakos, met with representatives of supermarkets, food industries and multinationals, as the… everyday life is here. Takis Theodorikakos said, among other things: “In difficult circumstances, the battle to reduce the cost of living continues with a plan and persistence. Controls are expanding and intensifying in dozens of businesses, in hundreds of products and in e-commerce, where many violations of consumer law have been identified.”

T. THEODORIKAKOS: Supermarkets should reduce prices

The Minister of Development added that “industries and supermarkets are asked to reduce their average profit and prices, especially in autumn, when schools open and for many households additional expenses are required. The effort to address accuracy is across the government: the finance ministry for lowering bank interest rates, the energy ministry for electricity prices, the shipping ministry for ferry ticket prices. All of us fight every day to support the citizens”.


New episodes in the fight over wiretapping

At the time when the government is talking about an incredible collapse of the opposition, which is attacking the judiciary on the occasion of the issue of wiretapping and its filing in relation to government involvement in the monitoring of the EYP and Predator, SYRIZA, PASOK and Pleussi Eleftherias, probably also The New Left is rehearsing a “front” to oppose the government in parliament.

It is no coincidence that even standing up, the head of the SYRIZA Parliamentary Group, S. Famellos, and the president of PASOK, Nikos Androulakis (who may also talk to S. Kasselakis), had a discussion in the Peristyle of the Parliament and all indicate that they will look for a formula to file a request to convene the Institutions and Transparency Committee, so that the parties or political leaders can receive the Supreme Court’s opinion in the context of “confidential information”.

However, at the meeting of the Conference of Presidents, held on Wednesday morning for the planning of the parliamentary work, only the head of Freedom of Navigation, Zoe Konstantopoulou, requested the immediate convening of the Committee on Institutions and Transparency, in order to discuss the judicial development in the case of the surveillance and to request the transmission of the prosecutor’s report.

It should be noted, however, that the Speaker of the Parliament, Kostas Tasoulas, in his conversation with journalists, said that the Parliament has no right to call judges and ask them for explanations for judicial decisions, nor is it considered a supreme court to make a review.

Yesterday the president of SYRIZA continued to raise the tone. With his post he claimed, among other things: “Let the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, answer: If the government did not use Predator (as happened in the other countries where the malware was used), then who is using it to the detriment of its political, journalistic and economic world country?”.

Mr. Kasselakis adds: “Let’s assume, then, that all the objectives of the EYP were legally monitored. Well, half the government officials were legally spied on… Do you have a government or Cabinet of spies?

For his part, the Minister of Justice, Giorgos Floridis, called the “attack” by the political leaders and the parliamentary representatives of the opposition parties against the Justice “unprecedented, unbelievable, unacceptable collapse” and “institutional absurdity”. As Mr. Floridis characteristically mentioned, “this attack, which was made against the public prosecutor, therefore the Greek Justice, exceeded every institutional limit”. Explaining why he supports this, he said that “those who attacked for the issuance of a 300-page opinion have confessed, here in Parliament, that they have not read it either for the simple reason that they do not have it. And while, therefore, they confessed that they do not know all this, they attacked in an unprecedented way the prosecutor of the Supreme Court and the prosecutor who conducted the preliminary investigation. And then we heard the amazing thing that after they attacked for something they don’t know, they ask to come to the Parliament what they don’t know”.

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