The Middle East, the ‘powder keg of the world’… What is the relationship between the UAE and Iran, which are not the main enemies? [추적자 추기자]

Barakah Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Training Center Moving One-UAE Summit <연합뉴스>

During the state visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which was well-received by President Seok-Yeol Yoon for attracting investment of $30 billion, remarks that aroused regret are becoming an issue. The UAE’s enemy was Iran, which President Yoon mentioned to emphasize that the main enemy of the Republic of Korea is North Korea.

While the Iranian government expressed discomfort by saying that it would watch the position of the Republic of Korea, most of the people in Korea did not know what the relationship between the real Iran and the UAE was. Is Iran really the real enemy of the UAE?

Leaving aside the long history of the Middle East, let’s start with the 20th century. This is because the UAE is a young country that only gained independence from Britain in 1971. First of all, the UAE is a federation of 7 landlocked countries. The well-known Abu Dhabi and Dubai are also one of the seven lands, and the union of these seven lands is the UAE. It is similar to how the United States is a federation of states.

Tensions between Iran and the UAE date back to the 1960s. The two countries have a territorial dispute. It is often a fate that bordering countries have.

The disputed area between Iran and the UAE covers three islands in the Gulf of Abu Musa and Tunbe Island. The area was originally the land of Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah, one of the UAE’s lands. Tensions between the two countries began when Iran claimed sovereignty over the area and occupied it. Iran came in through the cracks in which Britain, which had ruled the UAE, withdrew its troops. In fact, Britain has neglected this situation.

Iran made this claim, saying that the region has a history of frequent tributes to Iranian Persians by the Qawashim chieftain who ruled the country in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The territorial dispute began in the 1960s, and at that time it was a dispute between the Toho country and Iran, but following 1971, the parties changed to the conflict structure between the United Arab Emirates and Iran.

Of course, the reason for these land disputes is, of course, economic and geopolitical values. Iran hoped that by securing the region, it would be able to secure the crude oil that occupied both inside and outside the region. In addition, since the route of the Strait of Hormuz passes through the island, it was possible to secure an advantageous position on the coastline if secured.

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Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong talks with Deputy Prime Minister Mansour <연합뉴스>

At the end of colonial rule, there was no power at the territorial level, so Iran occupied the area. The difference in military power between the two countries is large, and the conflict between the two did not explode directly as Iran occupied the area militarily using force. Iran eventually took full control of the island of Abu Musa, using the preoccupation effect.

The UAE made every effort to resolve the issue through the UN Security Council in 1992, but this was also not an easy situation, and both sides agreed to resolve the issue peacefully as much as possible and continue negotiations.

In fact, conflicts that occur at the border are common conflicts. The Ukraine-Russia war is also a fierce war between two bordering countries. India and China are also in constant conflict. The UAE and Iran are no different from this conflict.

Ethnically, Iran is a Persian country and the UAE is an Arab country. Religiously, the UAE is a representative Sunni country in the Middle East and Iran is a Shiite country. Saudi Arabia and Iran, which represent Sunnis, have always been fiercely confronted over the leader of the Middle East, but the UAE and Iran have never waged a major war or waged a large-scale battle. This is the point where there is a problem with President Yoon’s remarks this time.

This is why criticism comes out that it is a little inappropriate to compare the relationship between South Korea and North Korea, even if it is Iran and Saudi Arabia. Of course, the UAE has recently set up a confrontation, such as recalling the ambassador to Iran due to the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2016.

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UAE Barakah Nuclear Power Plant <연합뉴스>

However, in 2022, last year, the UAE sent an ambassador to Iran once more, and as the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran also entered a stalemate, we are looking forward to peace in the Middle East. At the time, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation explained the reason for the re-dispatch, saying, “It is an effort to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, which are neighboring countries, and to pursue common interests.”

Of course, the territorial dispute between the two countries is still ongoing. Just as Japan constantly harasses Dokdo, it is an element that always remains like a sediment between the two countries. It is very reprehensible and angry that Japan makes such a ridiculous claim regarding Dokdo, but wouldn’t it be a bit unreasonable to say that Korea’s main enemy is Japan? Tensions are rising as to whether President Yoon Seok-yeol, who will hopefully return following a successful sales diplomacy, will be caught up in a whirlwind of political conflict once more with Iranian remarks.



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