The Mestdagh depot in Gosselies blocked this Thursday, several workers on strike

The extraordinary works council which took place this Wednesday followingnoon at the headquarters of the Mestdagh supermarket group, recently taken over by the French brand Intermarché, once more ended in failure. Tired of the “sweet talk” of the management, the unions announced on Thursday a blockage in front of the deposit of the central headquarters of Mestdagh, in Gosselies. Shop stewards have also called on all affiliates to strike on Thursday.

“We are sending workers into the unknown”

The recent takeover of the Mestdagh supermarket group by the French brand Intermarché has sparked strong social discontent due to the switch to a franchise model. In particular, the unions wish to have guarantees concerning the maintenance of the working conditions of the personnel transferred within the framework of the takeover of the Mestdagh group. “The more we advance, the fewer guarantees we have. We are sending workers into the unknown”. And when it is a question of drawing up a CCT linking the buyer, the employees and Mestdagh which guarantees the maintenance of the current working conditions, the unions receive a “not categorical”, deplores Myriam Delmée, from Setca.

In addition, the trade unions are demanding that management offer alternative solutions to workers who no longer want to work with Intermarché. Here once more, “we are in a no man’s land”, regrets Mrs. Delmée. “We don’t know what sauce the employees are going to be eaten with”. For the trade unionist, “the management must agree to commit, but also to hire the member who will take over the staff”. Otherwise, “the strike movement will go crescendo”, she warns.

Management surprised and shocked

On the management side, incomprehension and astonishment predominate. “We are already at the 4th works council, and each time the management answers all the questions in a constructive way”, says Henry de Lophem, press officer at Intermarché. The latter explains that the management is open to the request for voluntary departures and that the maintenance of the guarantees of the rights of workers is concreted by the CCT 32 Bis.

In addition, the management says it is particularly “shocked” by the unions’ demand for a “restructuring plan”. “The Masks Fall”affirms Henry de Lophem, for whom the unions want to enter a phase of negotiation of the Renault Law, while “Since the announcement of the takeover of Mestdagh, the management has guaranteed that no dismissals and no closing of stores will take place”. Management sees in this request a desire to “to rot” the situation and prepare for future social elections. “Mesdtagh needs everyone on board”concluded the press officer.



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