“The meaning of work, a major public health issue”

2023-06-26 06:00:03

[Des changements permanents dans l’organisation du travail, un management trop vertical augmentent la perte de sens au travail et, dans un second temps, l’absentéisme pour maladie. C’est ce que démontrent le statisticien Thomas Coutrot, chercheur associé à l’Institut de recherches économiques et sociales (IRES) et ex-directeur du département conditions de travail et santé à la Dares, et l’économiste Coralie Perez, ingénieure de recherche à l’université Paris-I, membre du Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne (CES), dont les travaux portent notamment sur les effets des changements technologiques et organisationnels sur les conditions de travail et d’emploi. Tous deux coauteurs de Redonner du sens au travail. Une aspiration révolutionnaire (Seuil, collection « La République des idées », 2022), ils ont élaboré des indicateurs et mesuré les corrélations entre sens du travail et conditions de travail.]

“Great resignation”, “essential professions”, “positive impact jobs”, “ecological bifurcators”… For ten years, and even more since the crisis linked to Covid-19, questions regarding the meaning of work have been rising in society, and not just among young people. For a long time, in public debate as in research in economics, work as an activity was neglected in favor of employment – ​​its volume, its remuneration, its duration, etc.

The theme of suffering at work (Christophe Dejours, 1998), then that of psychosocial risks (Michel Gollac, 2011) have emerged in the social debate as a major health problem. More recently, it is the “loss of sense of work” that has focused the discussion.

To understand what is at stake here, we will begin by proposing a definition and a measure of the meaning of work; we will then examine the consequences of a loss of meaning on the health of workers; After analyzing the causes of this loss of meaning, we will conclude with a few courses of action.

Technical details

Meaning of work: what are we talking regarding?

To take seriously the question of the meaning of work is to challenge the painful conception of work – from the Latin triple, an instrument of torture, an erroneous etymology (Marie-Anne Dujarier, 2021) – which underlies the apology for the “value of work” by many political actors. Work is not just a pain that deserves a salary, it is also an activity in which human beings engage intelligence and subjectivity, and through which they can build their health.

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