The MDG went for a compromise on taxation

According to the party’s formulation, the increase should help promote innovation and social redistribution in a better way, reports NRK.

The two deputy chairmen Ingrid Liland and Lan Marie Berg have been divided in their views. While Liland has argued for reducing the wealth tax, Berg would keep the current tax because it “ensures a broad distribution of the tax burden and prevents more zero-tax payers.”

– Must reduce the differences

The tax cuts that the increase entails will be financed by increased tax on the largest assets, removal or reduction of valuation discounts, introduction of national property tax on commercial property and increased tax on inheritance, writes NRK.

MDG will also increase corporation tax by a maximum of 1 percentage point.

– Regardless of whether the prime minister’s name is Jonas or Erna, inequalities in society have increased, and the transformation of the Norwegian economy away from oil has not been initiated. It doesn’t work anymore. We must reduce the differences while not penalizing entrepreneurs who contribute to the restructuring of the Norwegian economy. We have to rethink. That is why MDG has adopted a new tax policy, which does not go left or right, but forward, says party leader Arild Hermstad in a press release.

Forward-looking policy

He believes the party has reached a good compromise.

– Today we have gathered around a comprehensive tax policy which ensures that the richest pay more tax, while at the same time we propose to remove many challenges for entrepreneurs and the smallest companies. This is a forward-looking, green tax policy that both redistributes and adjusts, says Hermstad.

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#MDG #compromise #taxation
2024-05-05 03:02:39

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