The mayor, Dante Cárdenas, has only received four voluntary resignations

Of the 160 public servants that the administration has, Santiago Tulantepeconly four have submitted their voluntary resignation, the rest, he requests, be liquidated in accordance with labor law.

In an interview for El Universal Hidalgo, Dante Cardenas Flores He announced that he made a verbal and written invitation for the people who entered the administration in the period 2020 – 2024 to submit their voluntary resignation as an ethical act, however, he said that he cannot force them.

The mayor said that there are workers who did not enter with the administration, but, due to their experience and seniority, they continued working and clarified that there is no union of workers in the mayor’s office.

He stressed that “good terms” were reached with all former employees; in fact, most of them were given support in the face of the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration to sign the agreements and deliver their settlement checks.

Cardenas Flores He admitted that the incoming administration will have to continue six processes of alleged unjustified dismissal, of which only one corresponds to his administrative period.

The labor trial older, said the councilor, dates back almost eight years: “They are in process, they have not yet been finalized, so we cannot intervene until there is a sentence.”

The mayor of Santiago Tulantepecsaid that there were still days left before the end of his term, so he was confident that more workers in the service of the administration would join in the voluntary resignations.

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