The Masked Singer: Fans Confident Phoenix Is Gustaph As Squirrel’s Identity Revealed

The first head came off in the first five minutes. The muscular superhero Squirrel was none other than top cyclist Wout Van Aert. Zita Wauters emerged from the tasty Dame Blanche. Of course, there were some fantastic performances that evening on the stage of The Masked Singer. One of them was in the form of Phoenix, who really showed what he can do with his voice.

Many followers are 1000% sure who is in the Phoenix suit

In addition, many fans are 1000% sure who is hidden in the suit of the mighty Phoenix. “I hope he wins… because it’s a really cool costume… and everyone now knows it’s Gustaph. The winner for me.”

But the viewers think that because everyone is betting that Gustaph is in the suit, he should be unmasked: “Gustaph has to get out, everyone knows it,” “Such a set-up game. Sure they know who’s in it, but they keep some in it. It’s not about the most beautiful suit or the singing, but about not being recognized for as long as possible?”, we read online.

Some viewers do not find it credible that the investigators do not come up with Gustaph’s name and that he can therefore stay in the program longer. “It cannot be that the investigators never think of Gustaph’s name, while everyone on Facebook and TikTok immediately gets it right! The game is not being played fairly.”

The Hilarity of The Masked Singer: Squirrel, Phoenix, and All the Shenanigans!

Ah, The Masked Singer—the sacred land where celebrities deconstruct their personas, don absurd costumes, and serenade us from beneath layers of sequins and mystery. It’s like watching a charity car wash, where you can’t quite tell if you’re donating to a worthy cause or just enjoying the spectacle of soggy sponges and clumsy dancers! And speaking of clumsy…let’s take a look at Squirrel and Phoenix. Spoiler alert: it’s about to get nutty!

Who Shook the Acorns First?

In the first five minutes, the head of our stellar superhero—yes, I mean the muscular Squirrel—popped off quicker than your uncle after dessert on Christmas! Turns out the buff critter gracing the stage was none other than cycling champ Wout Van Aert. Who would have thought that a man known for pedaling up mountains could also rock a bushy tail and squeaky voice?

If you thought that was wild, wait until you hear about Zita Wauters popping out of a tasty Dame Blanche. I can’t decide what’s more shocking—Wout’s superhero alter ego or the fact that dessert is now a competitor in a talent show. What’s next? A chocolate cake belting out show tunes?

Who Could “Phoenix” Possibly Be?

Now let’s talk Phoenix. With vocal cords that could make a grown man cry and a costume so striking it could blind a unicorn, the fans are convinced that Gustaph is hiding beneath those feathery layers. One enthusiastic viewer exclaimed, “I hope he wins… because it’s a really cool costume… and everyone now knows it’s Gustaph. The winner for me!” Ah, the power of the internet; nothing solidifies a guess quite like a collective online opinion. Next, they’ll have their own Wikipedia page. “Fact checked by Aunt Mabel on Facebook!”

Gamesmanship or Just Gimmicks?

But here’s the real kicker—viewers are convinced there’s a conspiracy brewing. “Gustaph has to get out, everyone knows it!” exclaimed one frustrated fan. It’s like that one child who hogs all the good toys at the sandbox and no one dares call them out. The whispers online speculate that the show isn’t just about the most fabulous suit, but a sneaky handbook on evasion tactics. It’s the art of *not* being recognized for as long as possible. Perhaps it’s survival of the *blinkingly unrecognizable*?

Some even believe the investigators are pulling a fast one! “It cannot be that they never guess Gustaph’s name. Meanwhile, we on Facebook and TikTok have it clocked as fast as our grandma figuring out TikTok!” You’ve got to wonder if there’s a secret investigator handbook buried somewhere that involves a thrilling chapter on “Keeping Celebs Secret While They Belt Out Ballads” or perhaps a practical guide on looking serious while being utterly clueless.

The Verdict

So, what’s the takeaway from our evening of masked madness? The Masked Singer isn’t just about talent—it’s a wild game. A very entertaining game where disguises lead to confessions, and performances lead to public debates on who’s under the mask. Just imagine the social media frenzy exploding like confetti at a birthday party! With characters as eccentric as these, it’s almost enough to make you wonder whether the real show is the mystery or the reactions to it.

Just remember: in the world of The Masked Singer, sometimes all it takes is a squirrel in a superhero suit to make you question all of life’s decisions. And somewhere in the wings, Gustaph is probably singing along—hoping not to get unmasked before his time is truly up. Stay tuned, folks – the real mystery may just be our sanity by the end of it!

In a stunning reveal, the first headpiece was discarded within just five minutes of the show starting. The muscular superhero known as Squirrel turned out to be none other than the impressive top cyclist, Wout Van Aert. Meanwhile, Zita Wauters made a vibrant entrance from beneath the delightful dessert, Dame Blanche. As the night unfolded on the stage of The Masked Singer, audiences were treated to some truly fantastic performances, with one standout being the awe-inspiring Phoenix, who captivated everyone with his remarkable vocal abilities.

Many followers are 1000% sure who is in the Phoenix suit

Fans are buzzing with certainty, claiming to be 1000% convinced of the identity behind the mighty Phoenix’s costume. “I hope he wins… because it’s a really cool costume… and everyone now knows it’s Gustaph. The winner for me.” This sentiment has sparked conversations among viewers who believe Gustaph’s reveal is long overdue, leading to widespread speculation online: “Gustaph has to get out, everyone knows it,” and concerns about the integrity of the competition, such as, “Such a set-up game. Sure they know who’s in it, but they keep some in it. It’s not about the most beautiful suit or the singing, but about not being recognized for as long as possible?”

Some viewers express disbelief regarding the investigators’ apparent inability to link the name Gustaph to the performer, questioning the fairness of the game. “It cannot be that the investigators never think of Gustaph’s name, while everyone on Facebook and TikTok immediately gets it right! The game is not being played fairly.” This has ignited a debate over the authenticity of the show and the strategies behind the masks.

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