the map of the “thermal collapse”. Where the storms break out –

Change in weather driven by a “trough”, a depression opposite to the infamous anticyclone, which persists between the Balearics and Sardinia. Cooler and more unstable Atlantic air destined to mark a “summer break” with a drop in temperatures starting from the weekend and bad weather between Sunday and Monday. Paolo Sottocorona, on Tg La7, provides the weather forecast for the next few days of August.

Friday 16 August in the north “clouds increasing on the central western sectors with a tendency to showers and thunderstorms on the reliefs also of the northern Apennines with the possibility of crossing over to the neighboring plains, sunnier and less probable phenomena instead between Romagna Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia”. In the center sun or some clouds with thunderstorms expected in the afternoon on the reliefs of the Apennines, good weather in the south. In Sardinia other scattered thunderstorms are expected, even intense. In this phase the heat continues with values ​​exceeding 36-38 degrees.

There is the precise date. Giuliacci Weather: the great heat has its hours numbered

Saturday 17 August in the north rains since the morning in the north-west and disturbances in Friuli Venezia Giulia, more sun elsewhere but in a markedly unstable context. Showers are expected in Marche and Abruzzo, then also between Umbria and Tuscany. In the south clouds and clearings over much of the sector, thunderstorms in Molise, central northern Puglia and north-east Sicily and in Sardinia.

End of the heat: Severe thunderstorms and temperatures down 10 degrees

Temperatures are starting to drop, Sunday 18 August in the north “the weather will worsen further with rain and thunderstorms that become more likely and widespread, locally intense first in the north-west then in the rest of the North”, explains Sottocorona. In the center showers and storms especially starting in the afternoon, in the south variable and locally unstable weather with more scattered and less likely phenomena in Salento and western Sicily. Sunday is the day of the “most decisive thermal collapse”, is underlined in the forecasts of the meteorologist of La7, with the only exception of the far south. Temperatures, in certain areas of the north and in Sardinia, will go below the seasonal averages.

#map #thermal #collapse #storms #break #Tempo
2024-08-17 01:38:59



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