The main symptom of Biden’s new crown is a sore throat, and 17 close contacts have not been positive.

Executive summary:According to, U.S. President Biden’s doctor said on the 24th local time that Biden’s condition has improved significantly since he was infected with new coronary pneumonia, and the main symptom is a sore throat. In addition, none of Biden’s 17 close contacts have so far tested positive for the new coronavirus.

According to, U.S. President Biden’s doctor said on the 24th local time that Biden’s condition has improved significantly since he was infected with new coronary pneumonia, and the main symptom is a sore throat. In addition, none of Biden’s 17 close contacts have so far tested positive for the new coronavirus.

According to the report, Biden’s doctor O’Connor said that Biden’s new crown symptoms are continuing to improve, and the main symptom is a sore throat. “His voice is still a little low,” O’Connor said.

White House coronavirus response coordinator Ashish Jia said in an interview that of the 17 senior staff and lawmakers who had close contact with Biden, no one has tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The White House has reportedly been trying to highlight Biden’s ability to beat the disease. Biden first said in the video that he was all right, and then participated in a remote meeting with White House staff.

On the other hand, the report also pointed out that while being infected with the new crown, Biden’s presidency is facing political and economic challenges, his policy agenda is threatened in Congress, and high inflation has also damaged his support among voters.

Original title: The main symptom of Biden’s new crown is a sore throat. 17 close contacts have not been positive for the time being



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