The main body of “Destroy Taiwan Project” appears!Angrily choked on the Cai government’s 6-character net and found surprising doubts-Politics-China Times News Network

US President Joe Biden. (Photo/Associated Press)

Garland Nixon, a well-known US radio host who disclosed Biden’s “plan to destroy Taiwan”, accused Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 23rd of being a reporter of the Russian official news agency in Washington, and of Russian foreign affairs. A member of the propaganda organization responded, writing that the Taiwanese government was “a little bit paranoid.” Many Taiwanese netizens exclaimed, why didn’t the pro-green net army and the flanks go to the Nixon community? It may be a big doubt to think that this means that there is no simplicity behind it.

Nixon tweeted on the 16th that an insider in the White House revealed that when asked what could be more disastrous than the “neoconservative Ukraine plan,” Biden responded, “Wait until you see our plan to ‘destroy Taiwan’.” You know the plan.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the 22nd that Nixon actually belongs to the Russian state media Radio Sputnik and is part of the Russian state media Rossiya Segodnya Group. And Radio Sputnik was established according to the executive order of the Russian President, and its radio station “WZHF-AM” is an “agent of the Russian government”. Nixon is not a normal and reliable source of information.

Nixon posted on Twitter on the 23rd when he was asked by a netizen how to respond to my foreign ministry’s accusations, “Look at this, I’m thinking, watching Ukraine being razed to the ground is making the Taiwan government a little bit paranoid. In a military showdown between the nuclear superpowers, the government of Taiwan is putting their citizens at ground zero. He went on to sarcastically: “Now this is another great government that thinks about the people.”

Netizens from Taiwan poured into “Zhongshi News”, “Yahoo! News” and related links on Facebook to leave messages: “Weird, have you seen the green battalion cyber army flanking Garland Nixon? Could it be that they met noble Americans? The army retreated automatically?” “At this time, the green battalion net army is worried”, “Why didn’t I see the expedition brigade? There must be ghosts”, “Taiwan’s green government only wants to listen to good things, refuses to listen to the truth, and keeps its head buried in the good “Don’t raise your head in the soil of words”, “The irony of ‘This is another great government that cares for the people’, wise words”.

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