“The Magic Key” by Penelope Delta on the “Children’s Stage” of the Patras International Festival

“The Magic Key” by Penelope Delta on the “Children’s Stage” of the Patras International Festival

The section of the Children’s Stage of the International Festival of Patras continues at 9.30 pm on Wednesday 28 July at the Municipal Summer Theater of Ritsou Street with “The Magic Key”, a wonderful fairy tale by Penelope Delta, which offers food for thought, the opium comes to life with the unique way of Carmen Ruggeri and Christina Kouloubi.

The stage of the Municipal Summer of Patras will be filled with colors, dances, traditional costumes of our homeland and traditional music of lower Italy, in a universe where the magic of life will meet with that of the theater.
In it, the author touches on issues such as Devotion, Solidarity, The Joy of Offering, Love for Country and Family, Death, Happiness, Misery, Sorrow, Joy, all elements that we will inevitably encounter in this life.

A few words about the project

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen who lived on a large island. This island was not very rich, but the ruler was worthy.

The king had all the good things, the love of the people, the riches that work gives and a very good queen. When they even had a baby girl, their happiness grew even more.

He invited all his people to the baptism and there was a great feast. While everyone was feasting, the fairies of the island came over the baby’s cradle to give him wishes.

The first gave him beauty, grace and a fine voice. The second gave him intelligence and the third, however, did not give any of that, she just bent over the baby’s head and whispered to him.

I am Moira. I will not grant you a wish like the others did. I will protect you from your very life, my little one. I wish you would never be sad and never cry!

Then with her magic wand she lightly struck the queen on the chest, took her heart, sealed it in a golden box and disappeared into the night without anyone being able to stop her.

Frightened, the king and queen ran to the baby’s cradle to see if the child was alive.

-Now, without a heart, how will he love us? asked the queen.

-Without a heart how will he rule? said the king.

Such was their sorrow that they began to weep in despair. Then… from afar they saw Zoe coming.

– We forgot Life! She might save us! said the queen.

– Madam Zoe, please, you are the last one. Can you give our daughter her heart back? asked the king.

– It’s not possible, Zoe answered. Fate is stronger than me. Fate defines life. All I can do is give you this.

She took out a chain from her wrist that had a golden key on the end.

-If ever the princess herself wants to get her heart back, then with this little key…


Text: Carmen Rouggeri, Direction: oChristina Kouloumbi – Carmen Rougeri, Sets – Costumes: Christina Kouloumbi, Movement – Choreography – Lighting: Petros Gallias. Music Composition – Orchestration – Video Art: Antonis Delaportas, Lyrics and Song Selection: Andreas Kouloumbis
Teaching – Adaptation of songs: Eleni Zioga


Actors (in alphabetical order): Irini Arvaniti, Dimitris Theodoropoulos, Maria Kamakari, Christina Kouloumpi, Yiannis Nikolaou, Alexandra Skendrou, Nektarios Farmakis
General admission €13.00

Presale Ticket supply: Ticket supply: more.com, joe records record store (Karaiskaki 134), Rodopoulos Bookstore (Corinthou 274), Discover Bookstore (Vourvachi 3).

#Magic #Key #Penelope #Delta #Childrens #Stage #Patras #International #Festival



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