The macro question of the week: Are we at the dawn of a productivity explosion? – 03/15

The macro question of the week: Are we at the dawn of a productivity explosion?  – 03/15

2024-03-15 21:04:09
Friday March 15, the question: Are we at the dawn of a productivity explosion? was addressed by Natacha Valla, dean of the School of Management and Innovation at Sciences Po, Jean-Marc Daniel, BFM Business editorialist, Eric Lexin, director of Agora publications, and Andrzej Kawalec, Managing Director at Moneta Asset Management , received by Marc Fiorentino in the show C’est Votre Argent on BFM Business. Find the show on Friday and listen to it once more as a podcast.

#macro #question #week #dawn #productivity #explosion

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