It’s also good for your first smartwatch.
An affordable smartwatch that has the necessary and sufficient performance.HUAWEI Watch FITThe slightly vertically long face has a light image, and it is a casual item that you can wear.
The slightly luxurious version of the HUAWEI Watch FIT is “HUAWEI Watch FIT ElegantThe frame isStainless steelMade of made, it fits well in formal fashion. The HUAWEI Watch FIT Elegant is cheaper at the Amazon New Life Sale.
At the regular price of 19,800 yen,7,820 yen off 11,980 yen.. This is the cheapest ever.
It has a lot of functions such as a battery that lasts for more than a week, a GPS as well as a blood oxygen level measurement function, and a built-in fitness video that makes it easy to start exercising. That’s the price, so you might just want to buy it. Or rather, I want it. I love HUAWEI Watch FIT, but I also want this.
* Prices and other displayed information are as of the time of writing. Please check the sales page as it is subject to change.