The lowest salaries in Mexico, in Sinaloa

The lowest salaries in Mexico, in Sinaloa

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— Sinaloa has the lowest-paid formal jobs in all of Mexico because its economy has been lagging for three years.

While the national average salary was 578 pesos per day last April, companies established in that state paid their workers 445, or 113 pesos less, according to data from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS).

Sinaloa also eliminated almost 23 thousand formal jobs during the first half of 2024, the largest loss in the entire country.

“Starting in 2021, the Sinaloa economy will be slower than the national average and will continue to be so, at least until next year,” said Guillermina Rodríguez, deputy director of economic studies at CitiBanamex.

The state governed by Morena member Rubén Rocha Moya since November 2021 is the main producer of tuna, chickpeas, corn and red tomatoes, the supply of which has decreased due to the lack of water.

Luis Armando Becerra Pérez, PhD in Economic and Social Sciences from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS), said that the drought will have an impact of 15 billion pesos on agriculture, equal to 2% of the state economy.

“The problem is that they planted according to customs and traditions, the problem is that the yield of those crops will decrease and there may be certain social conflicts over water,” he warned.

Coneval figures indicate that 21.6% or 668 thousand Sinaloans were trapped in poverty in 2022.

#lowest #salaries #Mexico #Sinaloa
2024-08-09 00:07:57



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