The locations of the polio vaccination campaign… Health announces it to everyone

The Ministry of Health and Population has announced places Polio vaccination campaignthrough an official statement, and revealed that this campaign started on October 9, and is supposed to end on October 13.

Locations of the polio vaccination campaign:

The ministry explained that vaccination is carried out through fixed medical teams in health offices, units, medical centers, major squares, near mosques, churches, clubs, and in markets.

And also through mobile teams that move from house to house and apartment to apartment by trained teams, which are under the supervision of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, and trained at the highest level.

Target groups for vaccination:

As the vaccination is from the age of one day to five years for Egyptians and non-Egyptians, and the ministry explained that this campaign comes within the framework of keenness to raise the societal immunity of children, and to keep Egypt free of disease.

as she called Ministry of Health and PopulationAll families must participate in the campaign, or take the children to health units and centers, where the campaign is 100% free and safe.

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