The Literary Couples of Marguerite Duras (Lille)

Marguerite Duras Annual Study Day

Friday October 18, 2024

University of Lille (ALITHILA) – Marguerite Duras International Society

Marguerite Duras’ Literary Couples

Day organized by Florence de Chalonge (University of Lille)

and Esther Demoulin (Paris Cité University)

University of Lille, Pont-de-Bois Campus, room F0.13, Research House

10 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Introduction: Literary duos and trios at 5, rue Saint-Benoît

Fictional couples

10h15-10h45 Isabelle Doneux-Daussaint (SMD)

“From the bourgeois couple to the mythical couple: a journey through the representation of the couple in the novelistic work of Marguerite Duras”

10h45-11h15 Dominique Villeneuve (SMD)

“Alcohol as a dysfunctional third party within the Durassian couple”

11:15-11:30 Questions

11h30-12h00 Pause

12h-12h30 Elisabeth Russo (Catholic Institute of Paris)

“Love casuistry in The Little Horses of Tarquinia »

12h30-12h45 Questions

12h45-14h00 Lunch

Fantasy couple

14h00-14h30 Justine Muller (Catholic University of Louvain)

“Duras and Vilain: genesis and aesthetic implications of the fantasized literary couple”

14h30-14h45 Questions

14h45-15h00 Pause

Real couples

3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Esther Demoulin (Paris City University)

“Men don’t like to talk about love”: Duras and Jarlot, a literary couple?

3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Françoise Barbé-Petit (Sorbonne University)

“Yann Andréa & Marguerite Duras: a difficult one”be with” »

16h00-16h15 Questions

5:30 p.m. Film screening You only want me (2022) of Claire Simon in the presence of the director October 18, 2024 at the UGC Le Métropole cinema (26 rue des Ponts de Comines 59000 Lille). Registration requested by completing the following form:



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