The list of the 80 legislators who voted for Guillermo Lasso to be removed as President of the Republic | Policy | News

In the June 28 session, there were three votes for the removal of the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso. In the last vote, 80 votes were registered that came from the Union for Hope (UNES), Pachakutik, the dissidents of the Democratic Left, former Pachakutik and former members of the National Agreement official party.

The UNES bench, which is made up of 47 legislators, is the only political force that voted organically, despite the fact that two substitutes were registered. Instead, Pachakutik registered 21 votes including the self-proclaimed rebels, there were also three of them, who abstained in the vote for the motion to impeach Lasso: Guadalupe Llori, Ricardo Vanegas and Gisella Molina.

From the Democratic Left, legislator Rodrigo Fajardo voted for the motion and also three dissidents from that political sector. There were also three votes from legislators who left the BAN, among them, the president of the Assembly, Virgilio Saquicela.

From the Social Christian Party, at least thirteen voted against the motion and two abstained: Marjorie Chávez and Luis Almeida. The names of the assembly members also appear on the list of abstentions: Amada Ortiz, Lucía Placencia and Xavier Santos, who previously belonged to the ID. Also the name of Ana León, substitute for legislator Daniel Noboa, of the United Ecuadorian movement.

Votes in favor of the impeachment motion

Name and surname Political bloc/group
Joao Acuna SOME
Jose Agualsaca SOME
Vanessa Alava SOME
Xiomara Alay (alternate Mauricio Zambrano) SOME
Ronny Aleaga SOME
Humberto Alvarado SOME
Ferdinan Álvarez SOME
Alexandra Arce SOME
Fernanda Astudillo SOME
Lenin Barreto SOME
Paola Heads SOME
Ricardo Chavez SOME
Comps Córdova SOME
Raisa Corral SOME
Pierina Correa SOME
Robert Leather SOME
Esther Cuesta SOME
Victoria Desintonio SOME
Sofia Espin SOME
Luisa Gonzalez SOME
Ronal González SOME
Anna Herrera SOME
Marcela Holguin SOME
Faust Jarrin SOME
Xavier Jurado SOME
Lenin Lara SOME
Juan Lloret SOME
Blasco Moon SOME
Gustavo Mateus SOME
Patricia Mendoza SOME
Lenin Mera SOME
Katiuska Miranda SOME
Gabriella Molina SOME
Pabel Munoz SOME
Patricia Núñez SOME
Johanna Ortiz SOME
Monica Palacios SOME
Ana Maria Rafo SOME
Mariuxi Sanchez SOME
Wilman Trujillo (alternate Pamela Aguirre) SOME
Ricardo Ulcuango SOME
Jhajaira Urresta SOME
Jose Luis Vallejo SOME
Viviana Veloz SOME
Carlos Zambrano SOME
Fernando Cedeno SOME
Rose Mayorga SOME
Jessica Castillo Pachakutik
Joel Abad Pachakutik
Efren Calapucha Pachakutik
Jose Chimbo Pachakutik
Celestine Chumpi Pachakutik
Dina Farinango Pachakutik-Rebel
Marco Iñiguez (Alternate Isabel Enriquez) Pachakutik
Janeth Llano (Alternate Peter Calo) Pachakutik-Rebel
Raphael Lucero Pachakutik
Angel Maita Pachakutik
manuel medina Pachakutik
Mireya Pazmino Pachakutik-Rebel
Darwin Pereira Pachakutik-Rebel
Edgar Quezada Pachakutik
Salvador Quishpe Pachakutik
Mario Ruiz Pachakutik-Rebel
Patricia Sanchez Pachakutik-Rebel
Fernando Cabascango Pachakutik-Rebel
Jhonny Tapia (substitute for Sofía Sánchez) Pachakutik
Consuelo Vega Pachakutik
Cristian Yucailla Pachakutik
Bruno Segovia Ex Pachakutik
bristle pink Ex Pachakutik
Johanna Moreira ID-disidente
Dew Guanoluisa ID-disidente
Alexander Jaramillo ID-disidente
Rodrigo Fajardo ID
Virgilio Saquicela Ex BAN
Augusto Guaman Ex BAN
Mariano Curicama Ex BAN
John Vinueza Independent
Maria del Carmen Aquino Independent
Diego Esparza Independent
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