A new scientific study, awaiting publication by its peers, has attempted to provide an explanation of the real psychological link between thinking of having a small penis and wanting to own a powerful car.
First observation
Desiring a sports car or luxury often hides a small penis. This statement now seems to be proven by a scientific study. Researchers at the University College of London have indeed carried out a series of experiments to highlight a psychological link between the fact of wanting to own a sports car and the fact of thinking that its penis is small. “We found that men, and especially men over 30, viewed sports cars as more desirable when they were tricked into believing they had a small penis”the scientists wrote in the abstract of their paper.
To carry out this new scientific study, awaiting publication by his peers, the researchers changed men’s perception of the their penis size. They then gave false information regarding the average size of a penis erect, reports the site Parents.fr. In addition, the scientists asked the participants to answer a series of questions relating to their habits and desires as consumers, in particular regarding the luxury and sports cars. Unsurprisingly, men who thought their penis was smaller than the false norm (18 cm when erect) were the ones who expressed the most desire to buy a sports car. “Perhaps there is simply a specific connection between cars and the penis in the male psyche. [Cela] would explain why the car is a phallic symbol in everyday jokes, advertisements, and college speeches”they noted in conclusion.
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