The Link Between Sleep and Dementia: How a Decrease in Sleep Increases the Risk

2023-11-07 08:42:03

07 November 2023, 02:12 PM IST

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It is estimated that more than 55 million people in the world are living with dementia. Researchers say that one person develops dementia every three seconds. It is estimated that by 2050, 153 million people will suffer from dementia. As the number of patients increases, studies on preventive measures are also becoming active. Now a study has come out regarding the link between sleep and dementia.

The study says that even a slight decrease in sleep each year increases the risk of dementia by 27 percent. The study was published in the journal JAMA Neurology. Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia are behind the study.

The researchers arrived at the assessment by reviewing the health information of 346 people over the age of 60. The discovery was made following five years of study. The researchers say that they thought of ways to prevent dementia when there is no adequate treatment to prevent or eliminate it.

At the end of the study, only 52 dementia patients were found. It was also evident that there was a lack of adequate sleep among these people. Researchers say that sleep plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the brain, and by experiencing a lack of sleep, it can be damaged and other problems such as blood pressure will come. They also point out that the less sleep you get, the more likely you are to develop dementia.

Researchers say that as much as it is important to include exercise in the lifestyle, sleep should also be given a place. Adults should set aside at least seven to nine hours for sleep. Researchers say that by getting good sleep, memory becomes stronger, the ability to understand things increases and cognitive functions improve.

According to a study published in 2021, people over the age of 60 who got six hours or less of sleep had a higher risk of dementia later in life. It also says that deep sleep can eliminate toxic proteins associated with Alzheimer’s that build up in the brain.

Some tips for healthy sleep

Light can have the opposite effect on sleep. Don’t forget that light can hinder the production of melatonin, a chemical substance in the body that helps sleep. Even if the light is turned off, the problem mentioned earlier can also be caused by the use of the mobile phone right before going to bed. Stop using the phone at least three quarters of an hour before going to bed. Tea, coffee and cola are stimulant drinks. Avoid use at night as it may disturb sleep. Instead, you can use warm Palin water with sufficient sweetness. Do not drink a lot of water just before going to bed. Avoid sleep deprivation. Eat dinner early. Make sure you eat dinner two hours before going to bed. It is beneficial to avoid loss of sleep due to fermentation and acidity. Light food which is easy to digest can be chosen for dinner. Don’t eat fried, fried, spicy and heavy food for dinner. Do not include curd, sour fruits (orange, musambi, grapes, pineapple), papaya, chicken eggs, fish, meat, pickles and legumes in your night meal. Listen to soft music of your choice before going to sleep. Try to calm your mind by reading your favorite book.

#sleep #higher #risk #dementia



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