The light of honor inspires forward Xi’an to hold the “50 Years of Glory in the Party” Medal Awarding Ceremony

The light of honor inspires forward Xi’an to hold the “50 Years of Glory in the Party” Medal Awarding Ceremony

2022-06-29 20:22:15Source: Xi’an News Network

On the occasion of celebrating the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 29, the Xi’an Veterans Affairs Bureau held a ceremony to award the “Glorious 50 Years in the Party” medal to 120 retired veteran party members. 50 Years” Medal.

It is reported that among the winners of this medal are veteran party members who have outstanding political work who cultivate morality and educate people for the war; there are medical workers who strengthen the army, build their souls, serve the country and the people, and continue to perform bravely climbing peaks; There are veteran party members of the Communication College who have followed the development of the party and witnessed the gradual growth of mobile communications from scratch. They have contributed most of their life to the construction of the army and national defense.

“Looking back at the glorious years of 50 years, since joining the party, I have grown up under the care of the party and trained in the melting pot of the people’s army. From an ignorant young man, I have grown step by step into a communist useful to the party’s cause and military construction. Soldier, every achievement I have achieved in the past 50 years is the result of the training, education, care and help of the party organization.” Sun Dahong, a retired party member, said that this “50 years of glory in the party” commemorative medal is not only an honor, but also an A responsibility is also a spur and encouragement for the old party members to continue their glorious mission.

It is understood that this year, a total of 348 old party members in Xi’an’s military leave system won the “Glorious 50 Years in the Party” medal. In the next step, the Xi’an Veterans Affairs Bureau will lead all work with party building, promote the in-depth integration of party building work and military service management work, strengthen the party’s leadership in all aspects of military holiday work, and give full play to the political and experience advantages of veteran party members. And prestige advantages, promote service through party building, management through party building, and promote the high-quality development of military work.

Text/Photo by Luo Yan, an all-media reporter from Xi’an Press

<!–enpproperty 65962812022-06-29 20:22:15:379骆妍荣誉之光激励前行 西安举行“光荣在党50年”纪念章颁发仪式党员,工作,纪念章,军队,光荣116181西安新闻西安新闻西安新闻网在庆祝中国共产党成立101周年之际,6月29日,西安市退役军人事务局举行“光荣在党50年”纪念章颁发仪式,为120名军休老党员颁发了“光荣在党50年”纪念章。103/enpproperty–>



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