the lifeless body of the teenager was found in Nièvre

Tragic Tale of Lina: A Mystery Solved Too Late

Strap yourselves in, folks, because we’re diving into a story that’s darker than a black hole at midnight. A young girl named Lina, only 15 years old, vanished into thin air on September 23, 2023. I mean, who even goes missing these days? It’s like losing your car keys but, you know, much, much worse.

Tragically, her lifeless body was discovered in Nièvre—a place that sounds like it should be on a vacation brochure but is probably more renowned for nature’s awkward self-hiding talents. How did she get there? Well, the prosecution announced the grim news on October 16, confirming this was indeed Lina, aided by some high-tech detective magic—also known as genetic analysis.

And if you think the plot isn’t thick enough already, let me introduce you to our “star” suspect, Samuel Gonin. Now, if you’re looking for a villain for your Halloween story, look no further! This character cozyed up to his demons and committed suicide on July 10. So, spoiler alert: he’s not going to jail, folks. Just when you think you’ve scored a win for the heroes, the bad guy checks out early—classic move, really.

According to interim public prosecutor Alexandre Chevrier, a handy Ford Puma—which sounds more like a cartoon character than a vehicle—was traced back to the area where Lina disappeared. It was parked right where things went awry on September 24, the day after Lina vanished. You know you have luck working against you when your car GPS turns into a witness in a homicide case.

In the mad scramble to solve this mystery, investigators did the due diligence any competent detective would—last seen at the train station, her phone stopped buzzing at 11:22 a.m., and our dear Samuel was doing donuts in the Ford Puma. An investigation was launched on October 1, delving into kidnapping and criminal confinement. Talk about forward planning; hell, I can hardly plan what to have for breakfast!

And here we find ourselves—what a devastating moment for Lina’s family. Her mother’s lawyer, Matthieu Airoldi, graciously asked for privacy during this difficult time. You know it’s serious when lawyers start asking for respect. It’s a bitter reality check when the only legal advice you’re given is “please stop looking at us.”

So, where do we end? With a tragedy that has left everyone more bewildered than a cat at a dog show. Questions abound, truths remain muddled, and not even the finest detective could pull the much-needed punchlines from this tale. And remember, when life hands you a mystery, sometimes it just hands you heartache in disguise.

If only Samuel Gonin had stuck around to answer a few questions. But alas, that’s how the cookie crumbles. Stay safe out there, and don’t forget to text at least one person when you do something exciting. You never know when things might take a tragic turn!

The young girl disappeared on September 23, 2023. The main suspect, Samuel Gonin, committed suicide on July 10.

Published on 10/16/2024 7:04 p.m. Updated on 10/16/2024 7:42 p.m.

Reading time: 2min Lina, 15, had been missing since September 23, 2023, the date she was supposed to take a train to Strasbourg from a station in Bas-Rhin. (MAXPPP)

Lina’s lifeless body was found in Nièvre, announced the prosecution, Wednesday October 16. The body was discovered “in a wooded and isolated area of ​​the Nevers region”, “immersed in a watercourse located below an embankment”, specifies the interim public prosecutor of Strasbourg, Alexandre Chevrier, in a press release. He adds that the genetic analyzes carried out urgently by the Criminal Research Institute of the National Gendarmerie (IRCGN) “helped confirm that it is Lina’s body.”

“The Ford Puma vehicle used by Samuel Gonin [le principal suspect] had been geolocated at this location on September 24, 2023″the day after the disappearance of the young girl, indicates the magistrate. Forensic expertise “will be ordered by the investigating magistrates for the purpose of investigating the cause of death”he continues.

Of the “active searches” were carried out by gendarmerie investigators since the summer to find the teenager, who had not given any sign of life since September 23, 2023. Her cell phone had stopped ringing exactly at 11:22 a.m. that day. there, while she was walking from her home in Plaine to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station (Bas-Rhin) along a departmental road.

But it emerged in the investigation that a vehicle, a Ford Puma, “was precisely at the exact location of Lina’s disappearance and that he was there during the period of time when she disappeared”declared Alexandre Chevrier during a press conference in September.

On October 1, 2023, a judicial investigation was opened into charges of kidnapping and criminal confinement. “Investigations established that Samuel Gonin was the driver of the Ford Puma on the day of the incident”assured Alexandre Chevrier. This suspect committed suicide in Besançon at the beginning of July.

“This is a very difficult time for the family, my client is devastated, I have no particular reaction other than to ask you to respect the family’s mourning”reacted to AFP Matthieu Airoldi, the lawyer of Lina’s mother.



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