The Life of Daniel Sancho in Koh Samui Prison: Visits, Isolation, and Future

2023-08-19 03:30:05

Today will mark a before and following in the life of Daniel Sancho (29 years old) inside the Thai prison in Koh Samui where he is located. The young Spaniard concludes his period of isolation, since according to the measures of the Asian country he has had to remain in isolation for 10 days due to the anticovid protocol that they maintain in prison. From there, the son of Rodolfo Sancho and alleged murderer of Edwin Arrieta You will be able to receive visits from both your family and the staff of the Embassy of Spain in Thailand.

In addition, this end of isolation has also brought a new change, since Silvia Bronchalo’s son might meet in the penitentiary premises with the rest of the prisoners with whom he shares space. However, as confirmed by EFE Daniel will remain for the moment in the hospital area of ​​the prison, since the meeting with the rest of the prisoners will not proceed for different reasons.

The Koh Samui prison where Daniel Sancho is

In the Thai jail they are aware of the enormous media commotion that is being generated both in Thailand and in our country with this case. For this reason, the director of the Watcharapong Boonsaior prison himself informed the press crowded there of the steps to follow. “Daniel will end the quarantine today and will meet with (staff from) the (Spanish) Embassy and his family soon”expressed in his last appearance.

However, the find and isolation seemed to bring a change for the actor’s son, since he would be able to meet with more prison comrades and make his day-to-day life in Thailand much more bearable. Nevertheless, the director himself has been in charge of confirming that he will remain, at least for a few days, in the hospital area of ​​the compound in order to be able to keep it under control and prevent any detail from happening that might harm the investigation and the case itself.

Until now, when Daniel was in isolation, there was only one person who might visit him. This is his lawyer in the Southeast Asian country Khun Anan, who has met with the young man on several occasions to design the strategy to follow. In addition, he might also do it by the prison staff, among whom was the director himself who claimed to have seen him several times. “I have often come to see him and he is fine, he has no problem”declared the official to EFE.

Daniel Sancho can receive visitors

From this moment on, the great change that the confessed murderer of Edwin Arrieta (44 years old) is surely waiting for so much takes place. Once his isolation is over, the young man can receive visits like any other prisoner. That is why we learned that last Wednesday his mother, Silvia Bronchalo, was traveling to the Thai country to see first-hand what the state of both physical and mental health of your child following all the events experienced.

On the other hand, it will not only be his relatives who go to the prison to be able to support him in these hard times, The different diplomats from the Embassy of Spain in Thailand may also do so.. In this way, Daniel will be able to witness the attempts being made by the lawyers they have hired to be able to commute the sentence and thus return to our country as soon as possible, as is the wish of the different relatives.

The future of Daniel Sancho in jail

From the first moment there have been many unknowns regarding the future of the chef. In the first instance, it was indicated that it might take more than the ten days stipulated for isolation, especially for the protection and integrity of Sancho. However, this has been fulfilled according to the statements of the prison director, since the prisoner will continue in the hospital area of ​​the penitentiary.

Thus, the different officials would ensure that Daniel did not suffer any type of harm, either caused by himself or by one of his companions. Much has been said regarding Thai prisons, despite the fact that from within it they insist on ensuring that it is a calm prison and not at all dangerous. However, what other prisoners think has nothing to do with these statements.

Finally, It is unknown when will be the moment in which he will live completely normally with the rest of the convicts, although we imagine that both the spokespersons and the lawyers themselves will be in charge of reporting it in due course. In addition, with the visit of his relatives, it will also be possible to know if Daniel is calm and calm as they say from the Thai prison or if, on the contrary, he is devastated as indicated by his most intimate circle.

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