Manuel Garcia, DAYS 18,564,973

On 10/15/2010, the newspaper RIO NEGRO publishes: “Roca presented the Industrial Park II” (Carlos SORIA management)

“With a development projection of 500 hectares and with the concrete possibility of generating “thousands” of jobs, the mayor Carlos Soria last night launched the Industrial Park II of the city… it will allow the establishment of oil companies, industries and refrigerators, and It will also have a truck terminal.”

On 04/23/2012 the Municipality of General Roca public: management CARLOS SORIA

Planning the city for the 21st century….“The Municipality of General Roca, through its Industrial Parks Department, is in the midst of assembling the new Roca II Industrial Park, which due to its characteristics will become a pole of economic development place of relevance”.

On 03/21/2013 the Municipality of General Roca, Soria management)

… “Directors of the company Polipetrol presented this morning in the Municipality of General Roca, the documentation duly required, to settle with an oil distillery in the Industrial Park II of our city.”

On 05/04/2017 the Municipality of Gral. Roca Pública: : (Martín Soria management) … “The Municipal Mayor Martín Soria, together with the Secretary of Public Works Raúl Néboli and the Director of Industrial Parks Laura Juárez, signed an agreement with the managers of the company “Cueto & Cia. Servicios Sociales” so that soon they will be installed in the Industrial Park II of our city. The Cueto company…

On 02/14/2018 the Municipality of Gral. Roca public: (Martín Soria management)

“Durlock plans to install a new plant in Parque Industrial II… it would generate more than 100 jobs for residents of General Roca.-

On 03/03/2023 the Municipality of Gral. Roca public: (Emilia Soria management)

… “This morning the Mayor María Emilia Soria together with the Secretary of Production and Sustainable Development Mario Luis López signed with the Company Zavecom SRL…”

13 years of promises, 3 Sorias and a modus operandi…

Lie, lie and keep lying that something will remain.



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