The lies of Quebec solidaire

Have you seen the message that singer Émile Bilodeau wrote regarding the PQ’s position on the oath to the king?

As contempt, we do little worse.

“While PSPP cried helplessly because he might not enter the National Assembly, my friend Sol Zanetti tabled the historic bill to abolish the obligation to take the oath to the Crown.

“So on paper, it was QS who took over while your three whiners twiddled their thumbs.

“You can count on the Solidaires to continue working for Quebec. But, I admit, the PQSHOW is entertaining. (I prefer concrete, well-done work.)”


First, if Mr. Bilodeau (who was responding to a PQ activist) had the beginning of a prologue for a foreword to political culture, he would know that it was not QS that allowed Quebec to say bye bye to Crown is the CAQ government.

The QS position was just a posture.

It was not the QS bill that was adopted, it was the CAQ bill.

And if the CAQ tabled its bill, it is because the three PQ deputies, by showing firmness and remaining faithful to their principles (a position that has earned them the respect of many Quebecers), forced the hand.

As my friend Guy Perkins wrote on Facebook: “QS is like the girl who brags regarding opening the lid of the jam jar following her boyfriend pushes like mad to loosen it up. »

And second, what’s that tone?

We find there all the contempt (not to say hatred) that the solidarity dedicate to the PQ.

Is there still a person who still believes that QS is a sovereignist party?

QS talking regarding sovereignty is like Steven Guilbeault talking regarding the environment.

Yes, the federal Minister of the Environment climbed to the top of the CN Tower to educate Canadians regarding the importance of fighting pollution, but that was ages ago.

Today, the former strongman of Équiterre and Greenpeace supports the most polluting project in Canada.

The PQ wants Quebec to become a country, period.

QS wants Quebec to become a country as long as it is socialist, feminist, decolonialist, leftist, green, woke, with bike paths every 15 feet, inclusive writing learning programs in all schools from kindergarten and Mandatory equity, diversity and inclusion awareness workshops across all businesses.

Otherwise, no.

If the QS program were a grocery list, sovereignty would be the equivalent of a jar of capers.


The other day on Radio-Canada, host and journalist Alec Castonguay said that one of QS’s best-kept secrets was that its clientele was not made up of low-level workers, as the party keeps saying. , but of wealthy people.

These are the upper-middle-class sores who live in neighborhoods gentrified who vote QS, not the workers!

Arrive in town!



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