The Leroy Merlin stove that is sweeping through its operation

This year 2022 has been marked by various important issues and one of them has been, without a doubt, the increase in the price of fuel. Which has caused many people to look for alternatives to heat their home in a more economical way now that winter is near, one of them being pellet stoves for heating.

But, with the increased demand for pelletsthe price of it has begun to rise, making us have to consider other additional options to heat our home, such as the one brought to us today by the DIY giant Leroy Merlin.

A product that will allow us to reduce the consumption of our home, improving your energy efficiency and opting for a fuel of the most innovative. If you want to know what kind of stove we mean, the best thing is that you continue reading.

This is the Leroy Merlin stove that helps you stay warm in winter

Leroy Merlin is one of the stores that first comes to mind when we think of products for our home, either in the field of decoration or to offer us other types of solutions, as may be the case that concerns us today. In any case, the DIY platform is one of those that is always to the latest in terms of products and offers for its users.

paraffin stove tosai leroy merlin

Regarding stoves, the brand has a wide range of products available to its users, such as pellet stoves, wood stoves, etc. But today we want to focus on a very efficient model that does not work with any of the fuels that we have mentioned above or with gas or electricity.

It is, specifically, a Tosai brand paraffin stove that we can find both in the physical stores that Leroy Merlin has distributed throughout the Spanish geography and in its online store and whose price is 189 euros.

What is cheaper heating with paraffin or gas stoves

Now with the crisis, households and families tend to throw at the cheapest things and although the news is regarding that we want to be clear and although paraffin seems cheaper (which it is) the caloric value of gas is greater, so in terms Choosing one or the other in terms of energy efficiency, we should opt for gas, yes, as long as our economy allows us to

Its consumption is between 0.1 and 0.3 liters per hour. It should be noted that a 20-liter kerosene can costs around 40 euros.

Why are paraffin stoves a good option?

The first thing we should know is that paraffin is a cheaper fuel than natural gas, electricity or even firewood, but at the same time it has high energy efficiency that allows us to heat our home evenly and quickly.

That is, we get air conditioning the house at a very low price and creating a very pleasant comfort in it. On the other hand, another of the great advantages of this type of stove is the fact that does not require any type of installationsomething that happens with pellet stoves.

The specific model that Leroy Merlin sells has a 2.2 kW powerideal for heating rooms of up to 32 square meters. In addition, it has an anti-odor and anti-tilt system to guarantee that we do not suffer this type of problem in our home tomorrow.

On the other hand, your deposit has a 4 liter capacity and the maximum consumption of paraffin is 0.30 liters per hour, which will allow us to save on fuel and of course reduce our home’s energy bill. An excellent alternative if we are looking for a more heat source Respectful with the environment and have a long useful life.



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