The legendary soccer player believes: “The situation in the world can take the Israeli national team to the medal”

Oded Mkens kept all the medals and shirts from the 1976 Montreal Olympics. He has medals and a shirt from the match against France in the group stage, but nothing is preserved like the memory, and even today, 48 years later, he describes in detail and precision almost every detail of the Olympic Games in Canada.

In terms of Israeli sports, this is truly a unique experience, because factually, only three Israeli soccer teams appeared in the Olympic Games, and the one in which Mekans played was the last of them. “The Olympics in Montreal were four years after the murder of the 11 athletes in Munich,” he recalled in an interview with Israel Hayom, “there were many ceremonies in Canada in memory of the fallen. It was mentioned everywhere and the fact that we came there was a big thing, to prove that we continue and that no one will stop us.

“We lived in the Olympic Village, which was built in two tall buildings in the shape of a pyramid, and because of security issues we were on the top floors. It’s like entering a diamond store, a door opens and until it closes, no one enters. You had to report who leaves and when you return. Being there with the big stars, there is Discotheques, bars and you accompany them. I remember standing in line for food one day and Nadia Comanche was standing in front of me.”

David Schweitzer. Responsible for the great achievement, photo: Moshe Shay

48 years have passed and the grief remains, also the security arrangements, the bereavement is different but our country is in a state of war and things are similar.
“Unlike what is happening this year, at our opening ceremony all the athletes had to concentrate in a huge parking lot that is 3 km from the city center. This year it’s on boats, hope everything goes well. All in all, it’s a tremendous experience, those who haven’t experienced it can’t understand the euphoria. You see all the athletes you dreamed of.

“The Argentine team will also be in the Olympic village, as well as France, all the great tennis players in the world and this is the case in every sport. You encounter them inside the village. The great thing about the Olympics is that all the great athletes from all the countries of the world come. All my life it accompanies me and is a part of me. Just describing it makes me excited again.”

It has been 48 years since our last football team appeared in the Olympic Games, what does this mean for Israeli sports?
“Look, a total of three football teams made it to the Olympics. They didn’t make it in handball, basketball or volleyball. That means a lot, but it means above all that our guys will understand what kind of experience they are in and will enjoy it.”

Where do you think we can go?
“We have a good team. I really hope that just as we reached the quarterfinals, they will also get there. I believe in this team and I have a feeling that we will reach the higher regions and be in the medal picture.”

Gideon Damit in the national team uniform. One of the stars, photo: Moshe Milner / L.A.M

“You can win a medal”
The Israeli delegation will arrive in Paris in the middle of a war. Since October 7, the State of Israel has had an open wound that will take time to close, and the Israeli athletes, including the soccer team, have a responsibility to make the people happy during this difficult time.

“I don’t think the situation in the country will make it difficult for the athletes, but on the contrary,” explains Mechans. “The world wants to deprive us of all kinds of things and this only gives us a greater challenge to win a medal. Every athlete from Israel who goes to the Olympics is not only for him, but for the abductees, the bereaved families, our fighters, it might even help the athletes to focus on the goal. It really can To take the players to the limit, to the medal, I believe in it.”

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