The Legendary Beryozka Chain: A Look into the Soviet Stores with Never-Ending Shelves and Exclusive Foreign Goods

2023-06-27 14:30:00

They were famous all over the country

Only there you could buy real jeans.

The network of these Soviet stores is not called legendary for nothing – they were known even abroad. They were notable for the fact that the shelves in them were never empty – even in the era of a total shortage of goods. Moreover, there you can buy foreign goods that are not available in regular stores.

The very famous Beryozka chain appeared in the 1960s. True, it did not differ in a special scale – about a hundred stores worked for the entire Union. Yes, and those were in the capitals of the republics and large cities.

They sold not only rare delicacies, radio products and imported household appliances, but also foreign consumer goods – cosmetics, shoes and clothes. By the way, for many years this was the only legal place where you can buy branded jeans from the USA.

But only two categories of people could get into Beryozka – foreign tourists and Soviet citizens who worked abroad. Indeed, in stores, only currency or its substitutes were accepted as payment – checks of Vneshposyltorg and Vneshtorgbank, says the portal Novate.

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