The Legalities and Etiquette of Honking Your Horn in North Dakota

2023-10-10 21:27:08

Maybe you want to say “Hi” to someone you recognize on the street. — Hi person I kind of sort of know. I see you, but you won’t have time to see me!

Maybe you want an animal to move out of the road. — Run little buddy!

Maybe you’re getting into a song and you want to toot toot to the music.

Maybe someone is walking in front of your car and you want to give them a good scare.

Maybe you need to honk to get someone to go at a stoplight. — My favorite scenario (sarcasm)

Maybe you need to warn someone because you are in their blind spot. — Always terrifying.

–There are lots of horn-honking scenarios, but what’s legal?

The Law

According to Century Code 39-21-36you really shouldn’t be honking your horn often. Here’s when it says you should honk your horn:

“Whenever reasonably necessary for safe operation, the driver of a motor vehicle upon a highway shall give audible warning with the vehicle’s horn, but may not otherwise use the vehicle’s horn while upon a highway.”

So yes, apparently honking your horn just for fun isn’t something you’re supposed to do in North Dakota.

The century code states horns are only meant to be used to warn/signal danger and as the vehicle theft alarm.

Think Before You Honk

I don’t imagine many of us use our car horns on a regular basis; it is loud and rather aggressive. No one wants to trigger a road rage situation.

That said, next time you do get in your car and feel the urge to honk, you might want to keep this in mind.

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Here are some things we do that annoy people.

Gallery Credit: Andi Ahne

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Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang

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