The legal price to pay for making public the intimate photos of King Juan Carlos and Bárbara Rey

Revelation of secrets, violate the right to honor, personal privacy and one’s own image. Bárbara Rey’s lawyers point to at least these four points as reasons for sending a burofax – urgent and prepared against the current – to all the media and prevent the photographs of the artist with King Juan Carlos I from continuing to be published. A burofax that arrived late on Wednesday afternoon and a lawsuit against the magazine and against the artist’s own son, Angel Cristo JuniorThese are the first steps in a legal battle that is expected to be long and costly.

The legal team at the De Castro law firm is immersed in preparing the lawsuit against the Dutch magazine ‘Privé’, responsible for making the images public. “It is very complex because it is a foreign country and we have to study the Dutch legal systembut the lawsuit is filed no matter what,” one of the lawyers told this newspaper.

King Juan Carlos, in an archive image. (Gtres)

The issue is complicated by the country where the images were published and also because, at first, Barbara decided not to file a criminal complaint against her son. for theft and for revealing secrets, something that the artist had assured Vanitatis that she would do. If she did not file a complaint it was because she wanted to avoid, according to her legal team, that her son could be sentenced to prison. Things have changed radically with this publication and Bárbara Rey is in contact with her lawyers to decide if, this time, she will file a complaint against Ángel Cristo júnior.

“Inviolability of the home”

In the burofax, sent this Wednesday after 8:00 p.m., it states: “We warn you that the disclosure of these images seriously violates the rights fundamental to personal and family privacy, to one’s own image, and to the inviolability of the home of our representative, included in article 18 sections 1 and 2 of the Spanish Constitution”.


Burofax from Bárbara Rey’s lawyers to stop the dissemination of photos of Juan Carlos I

Silvia Taules

The lawyers qualify what happened was of “extreme gravity” and warn of “the enormous damage that is being caused [a Bárbara]”. For this reason, they continue: “We inform you that we have decided to take legal action to safeguard fundamental rights of Mrs. María García García against the magazine ‘Prive’, and against all those media outlets that disseminate such illegal content.”

Photo: Barbara Rey. (Gtres)


We spoke with Bárbara Rey after the publication of her images with Juan Carlos I in Holland: “I was left speechless”

Paloma Barrientos Alexandra Benito

The publication of the photographs of Barbara with the King, on the porch of her house, in affectionate and intimate attitudes is, according to both, a crime. This Wednesday morning things got complicated for them, who received the news by phone from this newspaper. “It is very complicated, it is another country, We have to study carefully how to do it, but we demand, we demand…”

Amidst exclamations and sighs of surprise, one of the lawyers pointed out to Vanitatis his bewildermentsince, as he insisted, “the photos are on private property, that’s it can not be published in any wayis illegal.”

Slides and reels

This summer, days before filing the civil suit, the ‘vedette’ recalled that she had kept these documents safe, those of the former king in slides and those of the singer Frank Francés in undeveloped reels. “My son took advantage of the trust that I had in it to steal the documents and make them his own; some were slides, others were reels that he developed after having stolen them from me.”

“He has never taken any photos of me or anyone else. The photographer, unfortunately, has already passed away, But my son was never responsible for taking those photographs,” insisted Bárbara Rey then, as she does now.

Photo: Bárbara Rey, in a recent photo. (Gtres)


Kisses, passion and a provocative neckline: the photos of Juan Carlos I and Bárbara Rey hidden for 30 years come to light

A. R.

Despite what anyone may think, it was inevitable that the photographs would go around the world and also be published in Spain, where they have become incendiary material. the program on Cuatro ‘On everyone’s lips’ the first to sound the alarm and show the images published in the Netherlands. From that moment on, the inevitable happened.

“I have no words”

“I have no words,” Rey told Vanitatis shortly after the photos were broadcast on television. “I am going to do the same thing I have done until now, use justice. These photos are mine, they belong to my privacy and My son took them out without my permission”. A message after which he added forcefully, in conversation with this medium: “I want to make it clear that he never took those photos. I never imagined I would make them public. and, worse still, that he was going to make use of them.”

Photo: King Juan Carlos, in Sanxenxo, in July. (EFE/Lavender)


Juan Carlos I’s entourage reacts to Bárbara Rey’s photographs: “It’s a witch hunt”

Silvia Taules

Her daughter, Sofia Cristo, found out what had happened through a call from this media outlet and could not believe what had happened. The DJ tried to remain calm, support her mother and He made it clear that the relationship with his brother can no longer be restored. Never. Moreover, everything has happened while King Juan Carlos is back in Spain to take part in the European final of the 6M category regattas in Sanxenxo, which has upset those around him, who consider that he is suffering “a witch hunt”.

However, it is worth remembering that these images have nothing to do with the famous robbery that Barbara reported at the time, in 1997. At that time she claimed that they had been people belonging to the CNI who had recorded her and who had later stolen the images.

A long story

What’s more, Mario Conde wanted to reach an agreement with Bárbara Rey to manage that type of information, according to what Vanitatis has learned. There have been dozens of journalists who have written about the State’s intervention in the relationship between the artist and the monarch: from Antonio Rubio (El Mundo), Pilar Urbano (El Español), José García Abad (La esfera de los Libros), Rebeca Quintáns (Akal) and, most recently, Javier Chicote and Juan Fernández-Miranda.

Photo: Bárbara Rey, in an archive image. (Gtres)


Bárbara Rey talks to us about the family war with her son, Ángel Cristo: “You can’t lie anymore”

Paloma Barrientos

The information that Vanitatis handles regarding the published photographs is the following: Barbara Rey rented her house in Las Lomaswhich was the family home and the place where these meetings with the monarch took place. It must be said that Sofia and Angel Jr. were not present at these meetings, except for some lunches where the children were present. In those days, the children were boarders for long periods.

Not just photographs

When he decided to move, His son took care of the transfer and, according to Bárbara Rey, he took advantage of the situation to take the photographs. Hence, as Vanitatis has already announced, he claims that these photos are his property, carried out on private property and for absolutely private use.

Photo: How to cook the tastiest fideuá. (Snaps)


This is how to prepare an authentic and tasty Murcian fideuá in the Bárbara Rey style

Mariano Lumbier

It was Angel who took charge of this story and in one of the boxes was precisely all this material, which not only includes the photos with the King, but many other images of his daily life, his life as an artist or his family life. Everything was gathered together because In the future, she was supposed to publish her memoirs. Allegedly, Ángel Cristo Jr. not only took these photographs, but also books and volumes dedicated by great writers.

Revelation of secrets, violate the right to honor, personal privacy and one’s own image. Bárbara Rey’s lawyers point to at least these four points as reasons for sending an urgent and counter-current burofax to all the media and preventing the photographs of the artist with King Juan Carlos I from being published. A burofax that arrived late Wednesday afternoon and a lawsuit against the magazine and against the artist’s own son, Angel Cristo JuniorThese are the first steps in a legal battle that is expected to be long and costly.



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